How to transmog or change your clothing appearance in Avowed

Avowed is among the many RPGs that take advantage of a transmogrification system. This system allows you to have the appearance of a specific outfit while also maintaining the optimal stats of another. This is especially useful if you’re a player that cares about how your character looks.

However, the system can be tricky to understand, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here’s how to change your outfit with the transmog system in Avowed.

How to transmog your appearance in Avowed

Image showing armor and the transmog option in Avowed.
You can transmog any armor. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Avowed allows you to fully customize your character’s clothing and appearance through outfits, accessories, armor, and more. Your outfit can be seen both in gameplay and during cutscenes. However, it’s quite common to run into outfits and gear you like the appearance of only to find out their stats are incredibly low or run into gear that has great stats but looks awful. To resolve this, Avowed, like many RPGs, features a transmogrification system.

This mechanic allows you to equip an outfit with great stats while applying the look of another outfit, giving you the benefits of both. This gives you more freedom to collect and try out as many outfits as possible in the game.

Transmogrifying an item in Avowed is simple. To do this, head to the inventory and navigate to the armor section. Equip the armor or outfit with the stats you wish to maintain by pushing the Right Trigger (RT) button on Xbox or hovering over the option and left-clicking it on PC. After doing this, scroll to the armor with your preferred appearance and push the Left Trigger (LT) button on Xbox or hover over the option and right-click it on PC to transmogrify it. 

This will switch the look of your current outfit’s appearance to the one with your desired look while maintaining the stats of your current outfit. You’ll know you’ve equipped a piece of armor by the diamond sign next to the equipped item and which item you can transmogrify by the eye symbol. Additionally, the transmog system works on unique armor. This means you can apply the appearance of unique gear on common gear or use the stats of unique gear while applying the look of common gear. However, you can only transmog armor and clothing. Unfortunately, this means you cannot transmog weapons and change their appearance, at least at the time of writing.

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