LoL players rally for Riot CEO’s removal—and thousands have already signed a petition to boot him out of the company

A growing movement within the League of Legends community is demanding the removal of Riot Games CEO Dylan Jadeja, with thousands of players signing a petition calling for his departure. It started as frustration over the game’s recent direction, but now has fans pushing for accountability at the highest levels.

The petition was originally posted by a League player listed as Sam G on with the hopes of bringing the game back to its original state by shaking up the game’s leadership team.

Picture showing a champion hitting a jungler monster in League of Legends.
League of Legends is very close to the players and they want something to change. Image via Riot Games

“Under the leadership of Dylan Jadeja the game has been going downhill at an unprecedented rate,” the player claimed on the petition. “Riot Games has made decision after decision that prioritizes profits over player experience, and the community is tired of being ignored and treated like complete idiots who they only see as numbers to get money from.” 

Starting with the company’s layoffs in 2024 and encompassing Hextech chests going missing and subpar-quality skins that are only available through gacha mechanics, players say they’ve had enough and are looking to “fight back” for their game, which has been part of many of their lives since childhood. The petition also touches on the lack of free skins during Arcane season two’s launch “lackluster skins” in the Noxus Battle Pass to the removal of Honor Capsules and Orbs.

At the time of writing, the petition has over 12,000 signatures. The movement is being driven by thousands of dedicated players who feel unheard by the company, judging by the comments and notes left on the petition.

A recent update from Sam came today on the petition, where they praised the community’s efforts. “You all are amazing,” they said. “This wouldn’t have come to this level of signatures if it wasn’t for your hard work spreading the word and getting others who are passionate about the game to sign.” They also shared that many supporters are discussing ways to escalate their efforts beyond just signing the petition. 

Some players have proposed a player strike, plotting a day-long boycott of League. One of the more ambitious ideas being floated is a peaceful protest outside Riot’s headquarters, though this would only be seriously considered if the petition reaches 20,000 or even 100,000 signatures. “I wouldn’t want to do something like that unless there are plenty who actually want to do something like that peacefully (obviously),” Sam clarified.

The community has also discussed the possibility of engaging players in Korea, a region that holds significant influence in the League scene due to its enormous player count and influence over the game through its rich history of esports excellence.

The movement continues to grow as players voice their dissatisfaction with Riot’s leadership and call for change. Whether this petition will lead to direct action from Riot remains to be seen, but one thing is clear—the League community is very serious about the developer hearing their concerns. 

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