Lords of the Fallen publisher CI Games was recently spotted filing for a sequel set to come out in 2026. While it is planned for a multiplatform release, its PC distribution partner is bad news for Steam partisans.
Reported first by Polish site Bankier on June 15, the binding report between CI Games and Epic Games mentions the 2026 Lords of the Fallen sequel, which currently has “Project 3” as its working title. The legal agreement grants Epic exclusive worldwide distribution rights on PC “for the entire product life cycle.”

As for other platforms, CI Games will remain to be the publisher of those. “The rights to publish and distribute the game worldwide on all other platforms, including the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S platforms for which the game is currently in development, will remain with [CI Games],” the legal filing says.
This almost certainly means the Lords of the Fallen sequel will follow in the footsteps of Alan Wake 2 on PC. Published by Epic Games’ publishing wing, Alan Wake 2 launched on PC exclusively via the Epic Games Store and was paid to be there “for a long time.” While it’s too early for CI Games’ sequel, we can assume something similar to be the case.
We don’t know a lot about the Lords of the Fallen sequel except its working title, Project 3. Earlier this year, we heard about CI Games filing a trademark for “Death of the Fallen,” which is possibly the actual title for the sequel.
The Lords of the Fallen reboot of 2023 had a rocky launch. However, it has received several updates since that addressed many of the issues and added new content. These helped the game reach a “Mostly Positive” user rating on Steam now, up from its prior “Mixed” rating.