Today’s NYT Mini Crossword clue, “top of the top,” should have been easier I hadn’t been so focused on thinking it meant the top of something like a mountain. Words like peak or apex came to mind, but none of them fit.
My failure to find words even made me question the answers I was sure were correct. Luckily, after solving most of the board, the right answer made sense. If you’re still struggling, I have some hints to help you find the solution yourself.
Hints to solve Top of the top Crossword clue

- Hint 1: This clue isn’t about the top of an object or something in the environment.
- Hint 2: The answer is an adjective often used to describe a group of people who are the best at something.
- Hint 3: It’s a common word used to describe the top level in sports.
- Hint 4: This word may be used to describe the wealthiest and most privileged people in society.
Stop scrolling now if you don’t want to see the answer because I’m about to reveal it.
The answer to “top of the top” in today’s NYT Mini Crossword is “ELITE.” This word is more about the top in an abstract sense, not something physical. It can be hard to find if you’re thinking about something else. For example, I quickly solved five down, four down, and two down, but was still thinking about the top of a mountain and couldn’t find the word. I thought the answer was really obscure, but it turned out I just had my mind in the wrong place.
Full list of answers to today’s NYT Mini Crossword
The solved board for today’s New York Times Mini Crossword is below. These are all the answers, not hints, so if you’re still working on the puzzle, stop here and read the rest of the article instead.
- 1A It “puts you there where things are hollow,” in a David Bowie hit – FAME
- 5A What QR codes at restaurants lead to – MENUS
- 6A Top of the top – ELITE
- 7A Subject of a marathoner’s P.R. – TIME
- 8A Log chopper – AXE
- 1D ___ Felicis, potion in the Harry Potter books known as “Liquid Luck” – FELIX
- 2D Japanese cartoon genre – ANIME
- 3D Zoom call button – MUTE
- 4D Suffix with Senegal or Sudan – ESE
- 5D Parent company of Facebook – META
Best word games to play after the NYT Mini Crossword
To keep playing the New York Times Mini Crossword, you can go to the New York Times Puzzle Archive and play old challenges. This costs a monthly or yearly fee. For free alternatives, try the Washington Post and LA Times. I find these just as fun and challenging as the NYT Mini. If you like other word puzzles, try Strands and Spelling Bee. They aren’t crosswords, but they are fun, short, and fit into a daily routine.
Full-sized crosswords are great, but we play minis because they are quicker and easier to do in the morning before work or while making coffee. If you have more time, you can find free crosswords on many online newspapers. The New York Times crosswords need a subscription, but you can find older ones on other sites. These are still new for you if you haven’t done them before.
A new NYT Mini Crossword will be available at 2 a.m. CT tomorrow.