World of Warcraft players convinced housing hints at a feature they’ve been dyeing to see

World of Warcraft housing feature preview with cozy aesthetic.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

A deep-dive into WoW’s upcoming player housing feature has some players convinced a new feature is coming.

Ever since the announcement that player housing is coming with World of Warcraft’s next expansion, the community has been abuzz with excitement and theories about what this long-awaited feature might look like in practice—and if it could lead to further customization systems down the road.

The WoW team put out an article about housing on March 12, highlighting the two unique design modes and the level of player freedom that’ll be on offer.

One feature caught the community’s attention here, with many players digging into the section about asset dyes. The article notes that new furniture assets will be dyeable—including both the upholstery and hardware sections of the model—giving players the ability to deeply personalize their homes.

Some were convinced that this could lead to the ability to dye armor and weapons, a highly-desired feature in the transmog and collector’s community.

For some members of the WoW player base, transmog and collecting beautiful armor are their favorite ways to spend time in Azeroth, and the ability to swap colors, metal types, or even textures could add immensely to this already beloved section of the game.

Adding a color wheel or palette swapping tool into the transmog system could allow for more unique armor set combinations, better themed options for players who enjoy roleplaying, or even for armor sets that match a player’s guild banner.

One player posted a snap of a cozy WoW home preview, excitedly saying, “Fam they’re going to allow us to DYE furniture—what if *hear me out* we could dye other items in game,” before adding that they couldn’t wait for the housing feature to drop with Midnight.

Other posters agreed that it would be incredible to dye weapons and armor from future sets, with some inspired fans theorizing that this could also be introduced with Midnight at some point based on what was shown in the article.

Creator Nobbel87 joined in with the fun, praising the housing feature as more “free and advanced” than expected, contrasting it against the linear style of garrisons from Warlords of Draenor before questioning whether armor dyes could be the next link in the chain.

Nothing has been confirmed about the potential for armor dyes—or even hinted at in any capacity—but it is clear that fans of collectables would love an even deeper level of personalization available to them in-game, and that the tech to swap palettes will exist in WoW with the release of the next expansion.

For a further look at player housing in WoW, check out our breakdown of everything we know about this anxiously-awaited feature so far. It’s been a wish-list item for scores of players for years now, so knowing that it’s finally around the corner has many community members counting down the days.

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