Wuthering Waves 2.2 Livestream codes, new events, banners, and more

Wuthering Waves 2.2 is almost here, and we’re finally getting close to the answers to the mysteries in Rinascita. This time, we have a new character and another completely new region to explore in the sky. Let’s go over everything from the Wuthering Waves 2.2 livestream including codes, events, and more!

Wuthering Waves 2.2 livestream redeem codes

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First things first, here are the redeem codes from the Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 preview special broadcast:

  • IMPERATOR – 100 Astrite, three Advanced Resonance Potions, and two Medium Revival Inhalers.
  • LEVIATHAN – 100 Astrite, three Advanced Energy Core, and two Medium Nutrient Blocks.
  • WHOAMI – 100 Astrite, three Advanced Enclosure Tanks, and 20,000 Shell Credit.

To redeem Wuthering Waves codes, launch Wuthering Waves, open the settings menu from the main menu, and go to “Other Settings.” Click on the Redeem option here and enter your code.

Wuthering Waves cantarella sitting in front of aquariam with her legs crossed
Cantarella pull animation. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

These codes are valid until March 23 at 10:59am CT. Be sure to claim your rewards in the game before they expire!

Wuthering Waves 2.2 release date

Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 releases on March 27 and will be titled Tangled Truth in Inverted Tower. The Version adds a new character, a new exploration area, and will finally shed some light on the true nature of the Sentinel, Carthetya, and the Fisalia family. The developers also mentioned that Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 will be shorter than usual, but it also means Version 2.3 will release earlier than expected.

Character banners in Wuthering Waves 2.2

Players can look forward to the addition of Cantarella during Wuthering Waves Version 2.2.

Wuthering Waves cantarella profile and materials
Cantarella’s Ascension materials. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Cantarella and Camellya banner

The first half of Wuthering Waves 2.2 will debut Cantarella as a 5-star Havoc Resonator. Here banner Neptune’s Lullaby will have her as the featured Resonator.

Wuthering Waves cantarella banner neptune's lullaby and rate up characters
Jellyfish mommy is here. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

The first half of Version 2.2 will also feature Camellya’s rerun alongside Cantarella. Camellya’s banner End of Lost Trail returns. She is another Havoc Resonator and is currently a top-tier DPS unit.

Wuthering Waves camellya lying in red flower petals upside down banner
She’s back for you. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Rate up 4-star units for both of these banners include:

Both characters will have their respective signature weapon banners running alongside their character banners. Cantarella’s signature weapon, Whisper of Sirens, is a 5-star Rectifier.

Wuthering Waves jelly fish appearance rectifier weapon
A unique jellyfish Rectifier. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Shorekeeper rerun

In the second half of Wuthering Waves 2.2, we get the Shorekeeper rerun with her Till the Sea Turns Clear banner where players can acquire Shorekeeper.

Wuthering Waves shorekeeper banner with rate up characters
The best healer in Wuwa. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

The rate up 4-stars for this banner include:

You can also pull for Shorekeeper’s signature weapon, the 5-star Rectifier Stellar Symphony.

Wuthering Waves shorekeeper signature weapon stellar symphony
The best healing Rectifier. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

New Map Area: Avinoleum Theological Seminary

A new area, the Avinoleum Theological Seminary will be added to Rinascita in Wuthering Waves 2.2. This area is a unique inverted tower located in the skies of the region and was previously inaccessible. The area has unique gravity-based mechanics and new echoes for you to collect.

Wuthering Waves Avinoleum gravity manipulation minigame
Change gravity at will. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

There are also several new puzzles and exploration quests for this area. It’s a large fleshed-out region with different themes in its different regions instead of just being a small and simple tower.

Wuthering Waves blue castle with dark blue skies and dim lights
Stunning visuals in the inverted tower. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

New story quest: The Maiden, The Defier, The Death Crier

The new story quest, The Maiden, The Defier, The Death Crier, has Rover explore his past memories with Carthetya at the Avinoleum Theological Seminary. You will uncover the truth behind the fate of the mysterious Sentinel, the history of Raguuna, and the actual nature of the Holy Maiden herself. During this quest, players will unlock Aero Rover for free.

Wuthering Waves rover element change screen with aero
Rover gets a new Aero form. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Besides Aero Rover, completing the main story quest will reward players with a unique 5-star sword, Bloodpact’s Pledge.

Wuthering Waves 5-star sword on blue sea background
A completely free 5-star weapon. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

New missions and events

There’s a whole bunch of exploration, parkour, and co-op events taking place in Wuthering Waves 2.2. Here’s a complete list of all events in order.

Cantarella Companion Story: Cantarella debuts alongside her companion story where you investigate ghost stories and travel between dimensions to unravel the mystery. Rewards include Astrite, 4-star XP resources, and Shell Credits.

Wuthering Waves cantarella companion story quest
Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

You will also encounter a new boss during this quest which drops the Cleansing Conch upgrade material required for Cantarella’s Ascensions.

Wuthering Waves new boss dark black tempest mephis
A water version of the Tempest Mephis. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Avinoleum Area Exploration Event: The Winds of the Past exploration event will give you several rewards for completing tasks around the Avenoleum after completing the main story quest. Rewards include Astrite and 5-star XP resources.

Wuthering Waves area event avinoleum with cantarella on event screen and rewards
Explore the mysterious tower. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Avinoleum Photo Collection Event: Similar to previous Photo Collection events, you can discover the history and sights of the Avinoleum in the Acropolis Documentation event. Rewards include Astrite and 4-star XP resources.

Wuthering Waves photo event page screen with rewards
Go out and snap photos. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Avinoleum Travel Atlas Exploration Event: The featured exploration event for the Avinoleum where you uncover the inverted tower’s secrets. Rewards include Astrites and Tuners.

Wuthering Waves event screen with rewards
Uncover the truths of the Avinoleum. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Lollo Campaign rerun: Another rerun for the classic Lollo Logistics event in Raguuna. Collect tokens and spin the wheel for various prizes.

Wuthering Waves Lollo Logistics event screen with rewards and wheel
No patch is complete without Lollo Logistics. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Raaguuna Weather Forecast: This featured platforming event has you explore the region and perform various parkour tasks to collect data for the Black Shores in exchange for rewards.

Wuthering Waves platforming event screen with rewards
KU-Ryan is back. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

If you Gaze Into the Abyss of Dreams: This featured co-op event makes a return as you equip various echoes and join difficult multiplayer boss battles.

Wuthering Waves open door co-op event screen with rewards
Another co-op event. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Tactical Hologram Dragon of Dirge: The Dragon of Dirge has permanently been added to the Tactical Hologram lineup of bosses.

Wuthering Waves dragon of dirge boss and text
Time to grind out another boss. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

Virtual Crisis Prototype Trials: A new Crisis Trial challenge event is being added where you can use modifiers to make the game easier or harder. The hardest modifiers award you with unique titles.

Wuthering Waves new prototype trials event screen with rewards
Max heat challenges. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube

New Echoes and Sonata

There are a total of nine new Echoes being added to Wuthering Waves in version 2.2.

  • Aero Drake
  • Electro Drake
  • Glacio Drake
Wuthering Waves three drakes aero drake, electro drake, and glacio drake dancing
The three little drakes. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube
  • La Guardia: An echo that resembles a guardsman of the Order.
  • Saggitario: An archer guard echo.
  • Sacerdos: A magic casting echo similar to a holy priest.
  • Capitaneus: A powerful holy knight.
  • Phantom Capitaneus: A Capitaneus with a unique black appearance.
  • Nightmare: Lampylumen Myriad: A corrupted nightmare version of Lamylumen Myriad.
Wuthering Waves boss lampylumen myriad nightmare version
Another Nightmare boss. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube
  • Reminiscence: Fleurdelys: Sword resembling the weapon of the Holy Maiden.

New Sonata Effect: Gusts of Welkin

The new Gusts of Welkin Echo set is an Aero damage echo set that increases the Resonator’s damage whenever they apply Aero Erosion to an enemy.

QoL and Optimizations

  • A new story review button is being added which lets you view the conversation log and keep track of the dialogue.
  • Rovers can now place up to 10 Waypoint markers around the map. Casket Sonar placement limit has also been increased to five.
  • Supply Pack Quick Access is being added as a feature to let you access supplies from your backpack when upgrading Resonators or weapons.
Wuthering Waves menu with materials quick access
Upgrading Resonators is easier than ever. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube
  • New color and visual customization settings are being added to the game for Brightness, Saturation, and Contrast.
Wuthering Waves graphics settings for colors
No more reliance on Nvidia’s Graphics settings. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube
  • Titles are being added for player profiles based on completing high-difficulty in-game achievements.
Wuthering Waves different titles as rewards
Earn unique titles. Image via Wuthering Waves Youtube
  • Incremental Download and installation updates will make downloading updates faster and reduce update sizes for PC players.
  • The Login process is being streamlined to allow easier and faster logging in and loading.
  • Wuthering Waves is officially launching on Steam on April 29, 2025.
  • A pre-download feature for mobile is in the works and will likely be released with Wuthering Waves Version 2.3.

That covers everything discussed and announced during the Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 livestream. For more guides, check out the Oakheart Highcourt Puzzle and the secret Lorelai encounter.

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