How to get and use the Singular Specialist Module in The First Descendant

Attaching the correct modules for your Descendant is crucial in The First Descendant, especially those that grant massive boosts to skill power. The Singular Specialist module is a highly desired Normal-type module that benefits a fair few Descendants who use Singular abilities.

Here’s how to get the Singular Specialist module in The First Descendant, plus a brief guide on which Descendant you should use with it.

How to get the Singular Specialist module in The First Descendant

A group of Descendants take on a giant Colossus in The First Descendant.
Head to Fortress. Image via Nexon

To get the Singular Specialist module in The First Descendant, complete the Fortress Command Entrance mission on Fortress. This can be done both in Normal and Hard modes, with a slight boost to the drop rate in Hard mode.

If you haven’t unlocked the Fortress Operation Zone yet, you’ll need to progress through the main story quest until you reach the mission Towards the End. Then head to Fortress and begin the Command Entrance mission at the terminal ahead of you. Complete the mission and keep an eye on your drops (or track the module in your Access Info). If you didn’t get it, head back to the beginning and interact with the terminal again.

The module can also be dropped by monsters in other nearby Fortress missions, but your best bet will be to repeat the Command Entrance mission until you’ve got it. Like other modules, once you get it the first time, it’s yours to use and upgrade for good.

What does the Singular Specialist module do in The First Descendant?

A screenshot of the Singular Specialist module in The First Descendant.
A big boost for a small cost. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Singular Specialist module is a Normal-type Rutile module that grants a 19 percent boost to Singular Skill Power in The First Descendant. It’s a Descendant module, meaning you’ll need to equip this to your character via the Descendant Module screen in your inventory.

Singular is a skill type, so be sure to check whether your skills will be boosted before you attach a Singular Specialist module. This is an ideal pick for those looking to boost damage output and effectiveness on Lepic, Bunny, Jayber, Gley, Enzo, and Yujin.

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