All Webfishing secrets

Despite its cute and wholesome appearance, Webfishing has many secrets players can find when exploring or playing the game.

All secrets we’ve found so far in Webfishing

A cat standing on a pier in webfishing
This game is brimming with secrets. Screenshot by Dot Esports

While some of the secrets in Webfishing are obvious, you can only discover others by surveying the area. With that in mind, we wanted to put together a list of some of the secrets we have discovered while playing so you can go and find them for yourselves. Read on for more.

The Spectral Rod and the Waterfall Graveyard

an animal stands beside the graveyard undr a waterfall
Spooky. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Spectral Rod is the only hidden achievement in Webfishing, and it’s a secret of all the secrets. You need to find five Spectral Bones around the map and then go under the waterfall to find an eery tombstone. Paying $500 when you have all five bones gives you the Spectral Rod.

I discovered this by pure chance when I found one of the Spectral Bones while exploring the map. This led me on a wild chase to find the others and discover their purpose. All I can say is thanks to random Webfishing players for leading me to all the locations when I played for the first time.

Misc Fish 13 – Unidentified Fish Object (UFO)

the dog looking ufo fish in the fish journal in webfishing is a little streange to look at
UFO? Screenshot by Dot Esports

The UFO fish is a strange one. It’s the 13th fish in the journal’s Misc category and is found during a random event that you need to wait (and hope) to appear when playing.

Sometimes, when in a session, you’ll hear a loud boom in the distance when in the rivers and lakes area. If you go toward where you heard that boom, you might hear some radiation sounds that bring you to what looks like a giant brown meatball in the middle of one of the five lakes and rivers.

Throwing your fishing line at the rock and pulling in forces a capture event where, if you are successful, you get a weird dog-faced alien fish. If you are after this fish yourself, I advise you to go into an offline lobby, as any players in a public lobby can grab it if you’re not in the area when it lands.

The Golden and Rain Fish

golden manta ray is one of the rarest fish to find in-game
It’s not a secret, per se, but still pretty cool. Screenshot by Dot Esports

While not exactly a secret, a handful of rare fish are by far the hardest to catch. These are the golden fish, such as the Golden Manta Ray, and four fish found only in rivers, lakes, and ponds when it rains.

If you only fish with standard bait, you might never encounter these, and finding one of the two golden fish unlocks a very rare and very long title that is sure to stand out to anyone who reads it. They’re worth the effort.

You get your own private fishing island as you level up Camp

the three different private island props in webfishing give you different sized islands for a private experience
Camp Rank is good for something. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As you level up your Camp Rank, a strange set of items appears in your Props inventory. There are three in total for the three different Camp Ranks, and they let you drop down a mysterious flag anywhere in the world.

When you click it, you are sent to your own private island, away from the hustle and bustle of public lobbies, to do some fishing by yourself. I also caught some rarer fish on these islands, so it’s a great way to make some money.

You can wag your tail!

Type /wag in chat and watch as your character wags their tail happily. It makes me wonder what other chat commands are out there! You can also sit down by accessing the emote wheel in the top right of the screen and clicking the top middle option.

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