How to make atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2?

On this page you can see How to make atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2? with Guide, Hints, Cheats, Combinations and Walkthrough.

Also you can Learn what to do with Little Alchemy 2 atmosphere Elements Cheat Walkthrough on Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Google Chrome or any web-browser and where atmosphere uses.

In addition on this page you can Look How to make a atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2? Hints, Cheats and Guide

All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Guide, Hints, Cheats and Walkthrough

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How to make atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you make with atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine with Create
air pressure
airplane rocket
atmosphere pressure
boat rocket
car rocket
city smog
cloud sky
container scuba tank
electricity aurora + ozone + storm
explosion fireworks
fire energy
house space station
machine rocket
metal rocket
meteoroid meteor
mist cloud
motion wind
mouse bat
pirate ship rocket
steamboat rocket
steel rocket
sun aurora + sky
train rocket
umbrella parachute
village space station
wall space station
water cloud

Walkthrough for atmosphere in Little Alchemy 2

  1. earth + earth = land
  2. earth + land = continent
  3. continent + continent = planet
  4. air + planet = atmosphere

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

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