There are a ton of achievements to unravel in A Game About Digging A Hole, and while some of them you get easily during your underground journey with a shovel, you need to stay alert and dig around for others.
In A Game About Digging A Hole, you purchase a house in hopes of getting the treasure buried in the property’s backyard by, well, digging a hole. Little did you know, your digging experience lets you find more ways to increase your wealth while upgrading your gear and making your way to the ultimate treasure.
Here’s every achievement you can unlock in A Game About Digging A Hole.
All achievements in A Game About Digging A Hole, listed

There are ten achievements in A Game About Digging A Hole in total. They are the following:
Achievement | How to get them |
BOOOOM! | Throw 100 Dynamites. You can buy Dynamites in your upgrade bench for $100. You also get them via hidden shaft chambers while digging and opening the chests. |
I AM SHOVEL ! | Shovel 4000 times. You can upgrade your shovel by spending money to dig faster and achieve this. |
Long Fall | Fall for at least four seconds. Dig a hole straight down and jump into it to fall and complete this. You also take fall damage for steep jumps. |
Moneymaker | Earn $ 20,000. You earn the most money by selling diamonds and other precious ores. Upgrade your inventory space and you can easily earn the money. |
Old Crate | Open the crate in the garage. You need two keys, which you can find buried inside your lawn to unlock the crate in your garage. Once you’re closer to the keys, your signals will beep to tell you you’re close to finding something. |
Rainbow | Collect five Rainbow Ores. Among other ores, rainbow ores are fairly difficult to find. I couldn’t find any in my first run, so you may need to go for a second run to get them. |
Stonemason | Collect 100 Stones. Stone is the shiny white ore that you find when you first start to dig down in your backyard, it’s fairly easy to obtain this feat. |
The Fastest | Beat the game in under 30 minutes. Speedrun the game by only focusing on digging and going deep enough to find the moles. After that, run to the treasure within 30 minutes to get this achievement. |
TREASURE | Find the treasure by finding your way around the moles in the final part of the game. |
Wasted | Waste 50 Ores. Once your inventory is full, you can click any ore to waste it. You’ve to do this 50 times to get this achievement. While you can’t do it on precious ores, you can dig around the top layer of the garden to find stones and click on them with a full inventory to complete the achievement without taking a massive loss. |
After you beat the game for the first time, you can also unlock the achievements mode, which shows all of the above listed in your garage.