All August 2024 Team Rocket grunt and shadow Pokémon rewards in Pokémon Go

Ace Grunt Female Snorlax Snorlax, Poliwrath, or Gardevoir Dragonite, Gyarados, or Snorlax Snorlax Ace Grunt Male Mudkip, Treecko, or Torchic Grovyle, Marshtomp, or Combusken Blaziken, Sceptile, or Swampert Mudkip, Treecko, or Torchich Bug-type Grunts Dwebble, Scyther, or Shuckle Weedle, Skorupi, or Shuckle Scizor, Forretress, or Beedrill Dweeble, Shuckle, or Scyther Dark-type Grunts Alolan Rattata, Houndour, or Stunky Alolan Muk or Alolan Raticate Alolan Muk or Skuntank Alolan Rattata, Houndour, or Stunky Dragon-type Grunts Bagon, Dratini, or Gible Dragonair, Gabite, or Alolan Exeggutor Dragonite, Garchomp, or Salamence Bagon, Gible, or Dratini Electric-type Grunts Blitzle, Joltik, or Mareep Alolan Geodude, Voltorb, or Electabuzz Ampharos, Galvantula, or Luxray Blitzle, Mareep, or Joltik Fairy-type Grunts Mawile, Ralts, or Alolan Vulpix Kirlia, Snubull, or Granbull Alolan Ninetales, Granbull, or Gardevoir Alolan Vulpix, Mawile, or Ralts Fighting-type Grunts Machop, Makuhita, or Hisuian Sneasel Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop Infernape, Machamp, or Toxicroak Machop, Makuhita, or Hisuian Sneasel Fire-type Grunts Darumaka or Chimchar Houndoom or Monferno Darmanitan, Houndoom, or Infernape Chimchar or Darumaka Flying-type Grunts Pidgey or Starly Gligar or Staravia Dragonite, Skarmory, or Pidgeot Pidgey, Starly, Gligar, or Starvia Ghost-type Grunts Drifloon, Golett, Misdreavus Banette, Dusclops, or Golett Alolan Marowak, Froslass, or Gengar Misdreavus, Drifloon, or Golett Grass-type Grunts Snoover or Turtwig Grotle or Ferrothorn Amoonguss, Cacturne, or Torterra Snover or Turtwig Ground-type Grunts Alolan Diglett, Drilbur, or Wooper Rhyhorn Quagsire, Torterra, or Whiscash Alolan Diglett, Drilbur, Rhyhorn, or Wooper Ice-type Grunts Swinub or Snorunt Alolan Ninetales, Froslass, or Glalie Abomasnow, Froslass, or Glalie Swinub or Snorunt Normal-type Grunts Glameow, Teddiursa, or Stantler Meowth, Rattata, or Purugly Bibarel, Ursaring, or Stantler Glameow, Teddiursa, or Stantler Poison-type Grunts Hisuian Sneasel or Foongus Nidorina or Nidorino Amoonguss, Weezing, or Toxicroak Hisuian Sneasel or Foongus Psychic-type Grunts Gothita or Solosis Wobbuffet, Gothorita, or Ralts Gallade, Metagross, or Reuniculus Gothita or Solosis Rock-type Grunts Cranidos, Onix, or Shieldon Anorith, Lileep, or Graveler Golem, Bastiodon, or Rampardos Cranidos, Shieldon, or Onix Steel-type Grunts Alolan Sandshrew, Ferroseed, or Skarmory Lairon, Metang, or Skarmory Alolan Sandslash, Empoleon, or Scizor Alolan Sandshrew, Ferroseed, or Skarmory Water-type Grunt Female Piplup or Totodile Prinplup or Crawdaunt Empoleon, Wailord, or Whiscash Piplup or Totodile Water-type Grunt Male Magikarp Magikarp Gyarados or Magikarp Magikarp

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