The way you play Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 comes down to your playstyle and what stats and skills you level up throughout your journey. These stats are all different from each other, along with how they work and how you level them up.
You can find them all listed on the player page. Each stat has a unique role in any activity you want to do, such as hunting, fighting, committing crimes, running, crafting, or even attempting to talk to someone so they can agree with you. Keeping track of these is difficult, but we can help break down each one for you. We’ll detail to you what every stat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is and how you can go about leveling them up so you can play Henry the way you want to play him throughout your playthrough.
All stats and leveling them up in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The following are the primary stats that you have in Kingdom Come 2 as Henry. These are the primary things that make up your character which feed into combat skills and other abilities you use throughout the game. For example, your Strength skill determines how strong Henry is, which also determines the power behind his swings with a sword or the power behind pulling a bowstring. Despite having a high Strength score, Henry’s other skills go into those talents, such as the Swords and Marksmanship talents, and those determine how good you are with those respective weapons.
Here’s a full breakdown of all the primary stats you use in Kingdom Come 2 and how you can level them up.
Stats | How they work | How to level them up |
Main Level | Your Main Level stat as Henry shows your overall progress with other talents in Kingdom Come 2. As you level up other stats and unlock perks, your Main Level steadily goes up. | Level up all stats. This includes all stats, skills, and combat skills. As these level up, so does your Main Level. |
Strength | The Strength stat is Henry’s raw physical power. This determines your control of a weapon and how much damage you do with it, including weapons, unarmed attacks, and drawing back a strong bow. Having high Strength also determines your carrying capacity. | You can level up Strength up competing in competitions, fighting bandits, using weapons, carrying over your standard carrying capacity, or using a bow. Some of the best leveling can happen during Archery Competitions. |
Agility | Your Agility stat concerns the amount of stamina you use for weapon attacks and your overall movement. Having a higher Agility also prevents you from taking additional fall damage, improving your stealth, dodging, and wearing heavy armor. | Like Strength, improving Agility comes down to participating in combat, such as dodging. You want to use weapons that have to do with Agility, such as bows, longswords, and sabers. Focus on dodging during combat to maximize this stat. Alternatively, you can play dice, sneak around town, or run. |
Vitality | The Vitality stat connects with your overall Stamina. If you want higher Stamina, focus on improving your Vitality, allowing you to fight more in every situation. Having a high Vitality also means your requirement to rest doesn’t happen as much, and you have energy for more extended periods. | A good way to improve your Vitality is by running, not using your horse to travel, participating in combat, and jumping over obstacles, such as fences, walls, or small trees. Spend more time using your feet than your horse. |
Speech | The Speech stat boils down to how good you are at talking with people in every situation, whether you’re trying to convince someone to agree with you or haggling down a price at the market. | The best way to improve your Speech is to talk to people at markets and attempt to haggle, even if it’s a small amount. This effect can build up. You’ll also want to buy books and read them. These books can be for specific skills or simply for leisurely reading. |
Stamina | Your Stamina shows how much energy you have in combat to swing swords, stab, block, pull back a bowstring, run, or dodge. You can improve your Stamina by having a higher Vitality and picking up perks that require you to use Stamina for specific activities, such as during combat with particular weapons. | These do not level up. |
Health | Your Health shows how well your body is functioning. You primarily manage your Health in combat or if you’re fighting a poison. There’s no way to increase this maximum, but losing Health means losing access to Stamina. The best way to recover your Health is to rest, visit bathhouses, or apply bandages to your wounds. | These do not level up. |
Energy | Your Energy levels show long its been since you’ve properly rested. This stat slowly goes down throughout the day, and you can replenish it by sleeping. If a bed is of higher quality, you recover your Energy much faster. There are perks you can unlock to delay this, and you can attempt to drink alcohol to do so, but you run the risk of becoming drunk if you drink too much. | These do not level up. |
Nourishment | Your Nourishment score shows how hungry you are as Henry. You can recover this by eating any food, and the quality of food dramatically improves this. The maximum you can reach is 150, but you don’t want to go over 100, or you earn the Overeating debuff, which does lower your maximum Stamina. Ideally, you want to keep this score between 60 and 100. | These do not level up. |
All skills and leveling them up in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Your Henry’s skills determine your level with particular activities in Kingdom Come 2. These vary from your talent in brewing potions to taking care of Mutt, horse riding, drinking, committing crimes, and thieving. Your primary stats can feed into these skills, making it easier to level them up, and as you become better in these stats, these activities become more straightforward. Some skill teachers throughout the area can help you with these talents, but it costs a fee. You can also read skill books, too.
These are all the skills you get in Kingdom Come 2 and how to level them up.
Stats | How they work | How to level them up |
Alchemy | Your Alchemy skill factors in every time you’re making a potion at an alchemy station, determining the quality, and how potent the potion becomes. | You want to spend time brewing potions at an Alchemy station, and you receive every time you complete a potion. You earn more experience points by following the directions precisely. |
Craftsmanship | Your Craftsmanship skill feeds into the quality of swords, armor, tools, and other items you can make at a blacksmithing station an anvil. | You level up Craftsmanship by crafting weapons, tools, and equipment and unlocking recipes for this craft. Beyond needing a blacksmith station, you can improve your score by sharpening weapons, using repair kits, or washing your clothes at a laundry spot. |
Drinking | Whenever you drink Alcohol, your Drinking skill plays into how much the alcohol effects you, which determines how drunk you get, how bad of a hangover you have, and if you pass out. | You can improve your drinking by alcoholic drinks or alcohol-based potions you brew at an Alchemy station. |
Horsemanship | While riding a horse, how easy it is to control your mount and ride with it comes with your Horsemanship skill. A higher Horsemanship means your horse’s stamina increases, your horse is less skittish in combat, and it becomes difficult for enemies to throw you from the saddle. | You can level up your Horsemanship talent by riding around with your horse. This does not happen during fast traveling. Instead, you have to ride your horse and explore the game manually. |
Houndmaster | The Houndmaster skill determines how well you command Mutt, your loyal companion. A higher skill means the two of you work together easier, in and out of combat. | When you unlock Houndmaster and have Mutt at your side, using Mutt to attack enemies, hunt for you, or search for you gives you experience points. You also gain more by regularly feeding Mutt and praising him for being the best boy. |
Scholarship | Your Scholarship skill determines how well you are and how fast you can read books. Some words and books are more complicated, and may require you to have a higher Scholarship skill. | You can improve your Scholarship by reading skill books, crafting recipes, or casually reading. You can attempt to apply your Scholarship skill to conversations, but not everyone might pick up on it based on their education. |
Stealth | You use your Stealth skill when sneaking around town or trying not to be noticed in the shadows. You want to crouch down and stay out of sight to use your Stealth skill, and it also means you make less noise while you crouch. | You can improve this skill by pickpocketing people, picking locks, using stealth takedowns, killing people, or crouching down near enemies. The longer you remain crouched and undetected, the more experience points you get. You stop gaining experience when they notice you. |
Survival | The Survival skill shows your knowledge of being in the woods, hunting, tending wounds, gathering herbs, and how quickly you can fast travel between towns. | The Survival skill goes up whenever you pick herbs, hunt game, dry, smoke, or cook your food, discover points of interest, or butcher an animal you hunt. |
Thievery | The Thievery skill feeds into your talents as someone who enjoys committing crimes. Having a higher Thievery talent makes it easier to pick locks and pickpockets, which means you can unlock more complex locks and improving your chances of someone not noticing you’re picking their pocket. | You can gain experience points by using lockpicks and stealing from other people. The more items you get when pickpocket someone gives you additional experience points, as does picking more difficult locks. |
All combat skills and how to level them up in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Your combat skills determine your strength with specific weapons, making you more deadly in a fight. Specific combat skills do not carry over to every weapon. For example, if you’re an expert with a longsword, this does not make you equally skilled with a mace or a polearm, even if you have a high-Strength skill. These are different combat skills and level up separately from each other. Like the skills you unlock, combat skills also have teachers you can find who can level you up or teach you combos.
Here’s a full breakdown of every combat skill you can level up in Kingdom Come 2 and how you level them up.
Stats | How they work | How to level them up |
Warfare | Warfare is similar to your Main Level as it’s a reflection of your overall combat skills. The more you learn about combat, the better your warfare, and you can get perks that work for every weapon, regardless of the ones you specialize with. | Like the Main Level, as you level up the other Combat Skills, your Warfare goes up. The more you fight and practice with all Combat Skills, the more your Warfare skill improves. |
Swords | Your Swords skill determines your talent with a blade and using it in combat. Improving this skill increases the speed of your attacks, how hard they hit, and how much you do when you land a blow. Your Strength stat also improves these scores. | You’ll want to use hunting swords, longswords, short swords, and sabers in combat. |
Heavy Weapons | Your Heavy Weapons skill shows your prowess when using blunt weapons in combat. Blunt weapons might not do as much damage as Swords, but they’re better when used against heavy armor or those with a lot of protection. | You can improve your Heavy Weapons skill by using clubs, maces, axes, or warhammers. |
Polearms | Your Polearm skill shows how good you are at wielding a two-handed weapon in combat. Using this skill makes it easier to fight multiple opponents. | You can improve your polearms skill by wielding a spear, poleaxe, halberd, or a glaive. You can also level it up by using a two-handed hammer or axe. |
Unarmed | Your Unarmed skill shows how good you are at fighting with your hands, knocking someone out, protecting against those attacks, and grappling an opponent. | You can improve your unarmed skill by using your hands in combat, or by competing in boxing fights or bar brawls. |
Marksmanship | Your Marksmanship skill determines how good of a shot you are with a bow and makes aiming bows, crossbows, and black powder weapons easier. | You can improve your Marksmanship skills by regularly using a bow in combat while hunting or during archer competitions. |
All secondary skills and how they work in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

These final secondary skills are not ones you can level up, but they come from your overall clothing and core skills. You’ll want to get an eye on these as these mostly have to do with your appearance while playing as Henry in Kingdom Come 2, and how you interact with the world.
Stats | How they work |
Charisma | Your Charisma is an average number based on your clothing, its overall quality, if it’s bloody, dirtier, or clean, and how damaged it is. You can improve your Charisma by buying higher-quality clothing, cleaning it, putting on perfumes, or unlocking Perks. |
Conspicuousness | The Conspicuousness stat determines how distinctive your appearance is to other people and whether they’ll notice you while walking around or if you’re trying to be sneaky. You can lower this number by wearing clothing that is lower quality, doesn’t make as much noise, or has bland colors. |
Visibility | Your Visibility stat determines how far away a person needs to be before they notice you. You’ll want to avoid bright armor and clothing and those with light colors if you don’t want to be visible to someone. Wear something that has earthy tones or is difficult to see in the dark. The time of day also plays a factor in this. |
Noise | Your Noise stat comes from the type of armor and weapons you’re wearing. Heavier armors and a lot of weapons makes it easier for someone to hear you walking around, even if you’re crouched. |
Speed | Your Speed comes from your Agility and Strength stat, but it also draws from the weight of your armor and how much you’re wearing. Put on lighter armor and clothing pieces to go faster |
Persuasion | Your Persuasion skill comes from your Speech level and how much Charisma you have. A higher Charisma score makes it easier to talk to people. |
Coercion | The Coercion skill is similar to Persuasion, but you use underhanded tricks or lies to get what you want from someone. This also comes from your Charisma score and Speech level. |
Impression | The Impression skill comes from your quality of clothing, how noble you look, and your overall Speech level. Your Charisma plays a factor in this, but make sure you wear fancy clothing or have rings and necklaces. |
Domination | Domination is similar to Impression, but it’s more of a threat to someone, rather than appealing to noble intentions to get what you want. |
Presence | Your Presence skill comes from the type of armor you’re wearing, what weapons you have on you, and how dirty or bloody they are. To get a higher Presence skill, have higher quality armor and weapons, and improve your Strength, Agility, and Vitality scores. |
Intimidation | Your Intimidation is the opposite of Presence, where you want bloody armor and unclean weapons and to look like you just got out of a deadly fight. |