Best Fortnite XP maps for Fortnite Chapter 6, season 2

A new season in Fortnite means a new battle pass to grind through with rewards to claim, and Creative offers some of the best XP-farming methods available. To help you with your push, we’ve outlined some of our favorite maps.

The Chapter Six, season two battle pass in Fortnite has plenty of rewards worth grabbing, including the Sub-Zero outfit marking Mortal Kombat’s arrival into the game, but some of the best rewards are tied to higher tiers. Fortunately, there are ways to amplify your XP gains.

Before we get started, don’t forget that maps geared around XP grinding specifically, offering huge amounts of XP rewards, will be targeted and removed by Epic Games. As such, our guide is on creative game modes we really enjoy that offer a heap of XP as a bonus.

Best Fortnite XP maps for Fortnite Chapter Six, season two

Havoc Hotel 3 [Roguelike]

Promotional artwork for Havoc Hotel 3 in Fortnite.
Time to go again. Image via Epic Games

Island Code: 0335-8436-1670

Havoc Hotel 3 is one of the best creative modes in Fortnite to play alone or with friends, with the aim of making it to the end of the 30 rooms without dying. Each room is filled with enemies that grow in strength, and the rewards you receive for completing each room are randomized.

Upon returning to the main area after being defeated, the cash you earned from previous runs is spent to upgrade your health, shields, regen, weapons, and everything else. Every run, therefore, makes you stronger, and the XP you earn along the way will send you flying through levels.

If that’s not enough, there’s an idle room that awards XP based on the amount of cash you currently have in your pockets.

Cars Mega Ramp

A promotional image for Cars Mega Ramp in Fortnite.
Jump around. Image via Epic Games

Island Code: 7664-4585-8324

Taking inspiration from some of the most popular GTA 5 stunt maps, Cars Mega Ramp features all vehicles ever introduced to Fortnite and awards XP for the length of the jumps. With the right mix of vehicle and speed, you can stack huge amounts.

Playing with friends brings out a competitive edge with a push to see who can jump further, or you can choose another route and look to sabotage your friends’ jumps. If you’re looking to gain a few levels quickly, this is the map for you.

Lumberjack Heroes

Promotional artwork for Lumberjack Heroes in Fortnite.
Chop away. Image via Epic Games

Island Code: 7154-1898-4800

Lumberjack Heroes is full of RPG elements, with the focus being to collect wood and power up your abilities. Along the way, eggs are discovered that can be leveled up to help you, and there are also a variety of boss fights.

Lumberjack Heroes is a great chill mode to play on your own while waiting for friends to come online, or after you’ve had enough with Battle Royale modes, and there’s plenty to get stuck into. Time to get chopping.

Pet Heroes Adventure

Promotional art for Pet Heroes Adventure in Fortnite.
Collect them all. Image via Epic Games

Island Code: 8930-8238-9814

With over 130 pets to collect, along with rare Gold and Rainbow variants, Pet Heroes Adventure is the perfect creature collector in Fortnite for those wishing they could jump into a game similar to Pokémon—and it’s easy to lose time in this mode.

With a strong roster of pets at your disposal, going AFK and farming XP is easy, but there’s always the incentive to push into the next zone, unlocking better rewards and rarer pets. With Coins scattered around the map to collect, there are plenty of ways to boost your XP.

Tiktoker Tycoon

Promotional art for TikToker Tycoon in Fortnite.
Grow your brand. Image via Epic Games

Island Code: 2944-0473-3646

Tycoon games offer some of the best XP from creative maps in Fortnite, and, while they don’t offer endless play like some of the other islands on this list, there’s enough to keep you occupied to send you surging through the levels.

Building a successful TikToker Tycoon empire from scratch is no easy feat, but with some focus, you can quickly establish the perfect XP-grinding setup. As mentioned, it doesn’t have as much depth as other modes but it’s the ideal choice for getting the daily XP rewards in Creative.

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