The latest Exotic mission in Destiny 2, Kell’s Fall, came with new weapons and Tonics. Just like with Onslaught: Salvation and Tomb of Elders, to make these Tonics, you need materials that drop from the mission—and at launch, their drop rate was abysmal.
On Jan. 8, Bungie Help tweeted that it has increased the amount of Reflective Flakes that you can earn from completing Kell’s Fall Exotic mission in Destiny 2. Completing the mission on Standard difficulty now grants around four Reflective Flakes instead of one. Players on Reddit also reported that completing Kell’s Fall on Expert difficulty grants around nine Reflective Flakes.

Reflective Flakes are the main ingredient required for crafting Rare and Legendary Tonics associated with the Kell’s Fall Exotic mission. Unlike other ingredients, like Enriching Nugget, this ingredient drops exclusively from Kell’s Fall mission.
There are 10 Tonics (one of which is Uncommon and doesn’t require Reflective Flakes), and you must make either Rare or Legendary Tonics from the set to unlock the rest. With the latest increase, getting them all should be a bit more bearable.
This still means that you’re looking at multiple Kell’s Fall runs if you want to get your hands on some of the new weapons, like the Red Tape scout rifle. Considering this mission isn’t that exciting, or at least not as replayable, the grind will likely still feel like a chore, especially after you get all the catalysts and intrinsic upgrades for the Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun.
There’s always a chance Bungie will increase the drop rate again or introduce a new source for the Reflective Flakes. It might be possible that the Kell’s Vengeance variant of Contest of Elders will be such a source. However, it’s still unclear what exactly Kell’s Vengeance is and when it will become available, so in the meantime, give Fikrul hell.