Destiny 2 Episode: Echoes brought us an updated Nessus, more loot, and new activities. While the season started strong, players found a flaw in the new Breach Executable activity—and unfortunately, it’s nothing new for Destiny 2.
On June 15, Destiny 2 players on Reddit highlighted a “continuing issue with activity design” that shows in the latest Breach Executable activity. In this activity, you must clear Vex and complete objectives throughout multiple arenas, leading to a final boss fight. But the game doesn’t tell you there are optional things you can do for extra loot.

In between some stages, you can collect Radiolite samples across the map. If you collect enough samples, you can deposit them at the end of the mission to get extra rewards. There’s no indication you have to do that, and unless you’re running a Wombo Detector mod on your Ghost, you might skip half of these collectibles without even knowing.
What makes things worse is if one player skips the samples and goes straight for the next area, the rest of the team will be teleported, causing them to miss out on loot. “Especially with how limited communication is with random teammates, it’s extremely frustrating to be denied loot because someone rushes ahead and skips the rewards,” one guardian wrote.
Unfortunately, this design issue isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. As pointed out by players, the last few seasonal activities, including The Coil from Season of the Wish and Savathun’s Spire from Season of the Witch, all had optional elements that weren’t obvious and could be skipped by one player’s will.
Bungie is unlikely to change anything in the activity, so consider this your PSA that you can collect samples in Breach Executable for more loot and use the Planetary Piston Hammer to get even more samples.