First-person Fallout 2 remake made by 100 fan devs now targeting a Steam release

Project Arroyo, the fan-made Fallout 2 remake, is eyeing a Steam release with “fast progress” being made by its 100-plus developers. The mod uses Fallout 4’s Creation Engine to reimagine the 1998 classic isometric RPG in a first-person perspective akin to the modern Bethesda Fallout tiles.

The ambitious mod’s project lead Damion Deponte spoke about its release plans in a recent interview with The Gamer. Following the shoes of the Skyrim standalone total conversion mod Enderal: Forgotten Stories, the Fallout 2 remake project, too, is aiming for a release in PC gaming’s largest storefront.

Irradiated tunnels in a side-by-side comparison. The left is Project Arroyo, the right is Fallout 2.
The 3D reimagination is mighty impressive. Image via Team Project Arroyo

We recently learned about Fallout London partnering with GOG for its launch after it became too big to be hosted on Nexus Mods, which otherwise serves as the de facto hub for modding Bethesda games.

But the release on official platforms like Steam and GOG has a lot of legalities. For Project Arroyo, you need Fallout 2, Fallout 4, and all of the DLCs to download the mod. Although the ease of installation and large discoverability makes it all worthwhile.

“Putting it on Steam. It’s just a platform that everyone has, it’s easier to access, easier to update, easier to install – it’s more efficient. We would have to figure out all the specificities, making it so you have Fallout 2 and Fallout 4 and all of its DLC to make sure there’s no legal issues. But we’re still looking into it,” Daponte shared his current plans with the project.

As to whether this could mean Project Arroyo is playable on Steam Deck, Daponte is still uncertain: “Maybe, we’ll see. I don’t even know if mods work well on Steam Deck, to be honest. I’d have to ask my friends,” he said.

While Daponte figures out any specific issues for Project Arroyo on Valve’s handheld, Fallout 4 is perfectly moddable on the platform, although we had to jump through a few hoops to have them running on the Deck. If the mod releases Steam, it should be a simple process of downloading and running it just like the Enderal mod.

You can check out Project Arroyo’s X (formerly Twitter) page for continual updates about its development in the form of concept art of the mod’s locations, environments, weapons, and armor. The mod’s last YouTube video showcased a side-by-side comparison of the first-person reimagination and the 1998 CRPG.

Project Arroyo has yet to have a release date. But, if we had to take a bet, it should be coming much sooner than the next Fallout title from Bethesda.

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