Fortnite’s weekly quests are here, and one of the challenges requires you to finish a Train Heist or capture a Storm Forecast Tower. Both of which could be difficult to complete.
Fortnite frequently releases weekly quests which helps players earn more experience points to gather items from the battle pass. While some of these are easy to understand, others might give you a hard time completing them if you aren’t an active player. If you’re having trouble locating the Storm Forecast Tower or the Train to get the Heist done, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s everything you need to know to pull a Train Heist and get data on upcoming storm circles in Fortnite.
How to complete a Train Heist in Fortnite

To complete the Train Heist in Fortnite, you need to find the train which can be randomly found anywhere on the track on the map. You can easily find the train’s location by looking for the train icon on the map and it should be moving along the railway track.
The train is always moving, and gets small stops at the railway stations and some points of interest. To get on the train, either land on it as the match starts right from the battle bus or use another vehicle to catch up and get on it easily. You can grapple up the train and find a giant chest on it. Interact with this chest and hack it using your action button.
After hacking it, the yellow glowing light should turn blue and a timer will start. This timer is visible on the map, and players might go to the train to get the loot. Be prepared for an ambush, especially when the train stops at stations or locations, as many players like to intercept the vehicle and reap the benefits of your hard work. If you manage to stay alive until the hacking is complete, you will complete the Train Heist and finish the challenge.
How to capture a Storm Forecast Tower in Fortnite

The Storm Forecast Towers in Fortnite are present in set locations across the island. They’re a great place to gather intel on the upcoming storm circles and plan to win more matches. Even though there are six of these Storm Forecast Towers, only two or three of them are active for usage and gathering the intel.
You can find the active Storm Forecast Towers by using your minimap and looking at the highlighted antenna icons. They’re active after the second circle. After you find an active Storm Forecast Tower, you need to look for another icon on your map showing a black mask. These will make the locations of three NPCs that you can defeat easily and get a keyguard and other loot. This keycard can be used in the small house next to the tower where you can activate it. After that, you should get extra information on your mini-map about the next storm circle in line and it’ll help you plan your rotations and avoid the storm.
Both of these challenges are team-assisted as well, so if any of your teammates completes any of these challenges while you’re in a match with them, it will be done for you as well. Next up, you can read our guides to finish Doughberman’s Found Story Quest and know when Fortnite Chapter Six, season one ends.