How to deal with the Rugrat (baby) in R.E.P.O.

Looking at the Rugrat running away from the C.A.R.T. and towards the camera in R.E.P.O.

A realistic portrayal of children. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Watch out. He’s about to ruin your day.

The Rugrat won’t pose much of a danger to your life, but it can be a menace in your hunt for valuables. With a primary goal to make sure you don’t pay your taxes on time, the Rugrat is a monstrous baby you shouldn’t neglect.

Here’s everything you need to know about the big baby of R.E.P.O.

What does the Rugrat do in R.E.P.O.?

The rugrat about to throw a valuable at the player
Get used to this sight. Image via Dot Esports

The Rugrat in R.E.P.O. poses a single threat—to pick up valuables and throw at you. In this physics-based horror, valuables easily get destroyed and the Rugrat knows this. Much like the Gnomes, the Rugrat aims to destroy any valuable it can get its hands on, be it from inside the C.A.R.T. or out of your own hands. This single attack (if successful) knocks you back and hurts you.

Capable of disarming you, the Rugrat’s attack can be detrimental when you want to reach high quotas as you need every valuable you can get your hands on. This attack not only destroys the valuable he threw at you (which can include heavier objects), but it will force your firearm to shoot. This will waste ammunition and reduce the weapon’s charge, giving you less chances to kill monsters in the same round. Therefore, you must put away any weapon (assign to your inventory) before he launches a valuable at you.

The Rugrat will always run away after he uses his singular attack (whether he was holding an item or not). This gives you an opening to retaliate.

How to evade the Rugrat in R.E.P.O.

Cornering the rugrat with a traq gun in R.E.P.O.
You’ve got him exactly where you need him. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There’s no reason to avoid the Rugrat if you see him. If he sees you and he’s in the same room as you, he will run to a valuable and throw it in his temper tantrum. He will do everything he can to damage items and yourself. Treating him like a Gnome and handle him before he causes too much chaos.

Listen out to his baby noises, he’s always running around the map in search of his next victim. Attack him before he attacks you, keeping your stamina high so you can react to his presence. Avoid attacking him at the start of a round, as he will likely spawn near another monster who may be more threatening than the Rugrat. Let him throw valuables at you if you’re not close enough to defend yourself. He has a great throwing arm, so invest in stamina, sprint speed, and health upgrades to avoid getting hit.

There’s no need to run or hide from this monster. Instead, you need to stay on your toes to quickly react when you hear the Rugrat’s chuckle (this indicates he has an item and is ready to throw it). You can either sprint out of the room or tumble launch before the valuable makes contact with your forehead. The Roll Drone is effective at avoiding projectiles.

Can you kill the Rugrat in R.E.P.O.?

Justice has been served. Video by Dot Esports

There are many ways to kill the Rugrat. A simple solution if you’re with a team is to pick the Rugrat up (with two or more players). Continuously slam the monster to the ground to defeat him, ending his terror against items. This method is possible for solo players so long as you’ve used a Tranq Gun on him first. You can skip the slam altogether when death drops are available (from level five) as you can throw him off the map, killing him instantly.

Watch him squirm. Video by Dot Esports

Alternatively, you can use a Baseball Bat on it. You can knock the Rugrat over with one hit and give him the WWE treatment by smacking him once he’s down. The standard Gun can also kill it swiftly as a single bullet will get the job done. Regardless of the method you use, you will get a $4K life orb to transport onto the nearest extraction point.

We highly recommend saving the Tranq Gun for tougher monsters, as the Rugrat is a small fry compared to the Trudge, Robe, Mentalist, Huntsman, and Headman.

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