How to deal with the Trudge in R.E.P.O.

Pointing a gun at the Trudge through a doorway in McJannek Station in R.E.P.O.

Screenshot by Dot Esports

A fitting name for R.E.P.O.’s most threatening monster.

Of all the entities in R.E.P.O., the most threatening comes in the form of the towering and grotesque Trudge. The best strategy to handle the Trudge may be simple, but knowing how to avoid this beast gives hope that you may survive to see the next level.

Here’s our full monster guide on how to deal with the Trudge in R.E.P.O.

What does the Trudge do in R.E.P.O.?

He’s lethal alright. Video by Dot Esports

The Trudge is a walking abomination. He has an eye on the top of his head that rests atop a bent neck, and an eye sitting in his stomach. This increases his field of vision as he can see two different angles (including hiding spots). While the Trudge is one of the strongest entities, he’s also the slowest, balancing out how threatening he is. The Trudge drags around a mace, making his movement easy to track and avoid if he becomes aggitated.

The Trudge has two moves. If you’re in his line of sight, the Trudge will slam his mace down, creating a shockwave which can one-shot you. This move has a two meter radius. He then lifts the mace to deliver another highly explosive attack that can also one-shot you. This makes him absolutely brutal if caught in a dead end or inside compact rooms. If you somehow survive the first move, but get caught within the shockwave’s gravitational pull, the second move will surely send you to the Disposal Arena.

You will be pulled to the Trudge if caught inside the mace’s shockwave radius. Escaping to another floor won’t save you either. If the Trudge and his shockwave are visible, then the gravitational pull of the mace can pull you in, regardless of where you’re standing. Jumping on furniture or seeking high ground will only kill you.

How to evade the Trudge in R.E.P.O.

Out of sight, out of mind. Video by Dot Esports

Because of his field of vision that covers his front and sides, the Trudge can spot you hiding under furniture. If you stay on the side where neither eye is facing (or stand behind him at all times), you can walk close to the Trudge without needing to crouch. This lets you easily leave the room he’s slowly travelling through. Make sure to stay vigilant and watch where the Trudge is looking at all times to avoid getting spotted.

Finally, we recommend upgrading your health stat if you haven’t already as this will increase your chances of surviving accidental attacks. If you alert the Trudge accidently, leave the room you’re in immediately, shut the door behind you, and move onto another room. The Trudge will quickly lose interest as he struggles to keep up with you. Keep your stamina and sprint speed high so you can retreat from Trudge’s position to avoid his mace’s heavy swing.

Can yu kil Trudge?

Most attempts are futile. Video by Dot Esports

The Trudge is killable, but we don’t recommend it because of his gigantic health pool. He is the hardest entity to kill, requiring two Tranq Gun darts and 17 whacks with a Frying Pan. This is a massive waste of resources. The Trudge drops $6,500, which matches the Robe, Headman, Reaper, and Clown (who are all far easier to kill).

We advise using the Stun Mine or Grenade as these are the only items worth holding onto if you ever encountered the Trudge. They cost less than the Traq Gun and since you’re not aiming to kill him anyway, it’s better to waste cheap throwables when multiple Trudge join the fray (this rare spawn chance could occur from level five). It’s best to avoid the Trudge altogether and use throwables to stun him when returning to the truck to move onto the next level.

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