How to get Punutiy mount in Final Fantasy XIV

Mounts in Final Fantasy XIV are a status symbol, and in some cases, a reward for patience and persistence, and that’s the case with the Punutiy mount.

The Punutiy mount introduced in the Dawntrail expansion is a walrus-like mount that boasts a water-friendly design. While originally designed for pulling boats in the rivers of the New World, this gentle giant somehow learned to fly. With its rounded body, flippers, and unique animations, it stands out from the rest of the game’s mounts. Of course, FFXIV isn’t just going to hand you a Punutiy on a silver platter. You’ll need to roll up your sleeves, schmooze some adorable NPCs, and commit to a week of daily quests. Don’t worry—this is one of the less painful mount grinds in the game.

How to unlock the Punutiy Mount in Final Fantasy XIV

Punutiy Mount in Final Fantasy XIV
Yes, I spent days grinding for this, and I have zero regrets. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The journey to your Punutiy begins with the Pelupelu, a group of adorable traders who seem to have an entire economy built around these walrusy boys. before you can start buttering them up with daily quests, you’ll need to unlock their Allied Society. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • If you haven’t upgraded to Dawntrail, well, you’re already off to a bad start. You’ll need the expansion if you don’t already have it.
  • Whether you’re a seasoned Warrior of Light or just here for the fishing, you’ll need at least one job at level 90.
  • Head over to Tuliyollal and talk to the Blue-garbed Pelu. This quest will get you on the Pelupelu’s good side and unlock their Allied Society quests.

Welcome to the daily grind

FF14: Dawntrail Patch 7.1
Prepare for the quests! Screenshot by Dot Esports

Now that you’ve unlocked the Pelupelu Allied Society, it’s time to get to work. These little merchants operate on a simple principle: You do their dirty work, and they reward you with tokens (Pelu Pelplumes). 

  • You can complete three daily quests from the Pelupelu every day. 
  • Once you rank up with them, you’ll get access to three bonus quests per day, bumping your total to six. 
  • Each quest rewards one Pelu Pelplume and 60 reputation points.

In Allied Society, you start at Friendly rank (Rank Three). Your goal is to climb to Respected rank (Rank Five). To reach that, you’ll need a total of 720 reputation points. You’ll see that it takes 12 quests to go from Friendly to Respected.

Summon your walrus and fly in style

Punutiy Mount in Final Fantasy XIV
It just feels right to be cruising around on a walrus. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Once you hit Respected rank, it’s time to cash in on your hard work. Head over to Pavli, the vendor conveniently located next to the Pelupelu quest givers. They’ll have a new item on their menu: The Punutiy Horn, yours for the price of 18 Pelu Pelplumes.

If you’ve been a good little Warrior of Light and haven’t blown your tokens on frivolous items (looking at you, Wind-up Pelupelu minion enthusiasts), you should have more than enough by the time you hit Respected rank. If you couldn’t resist the allure of the minion, don’t worry—you’ll only need one extra day’s worth of quests to make up the difference. With the Punutiy Horn in hand, simply use it from your inventory to unlock the mount.

Congratulations! You’re now the proud owner of a giant flying walrus! It’s time to take to the skies (and waters) of Eorzea in style.

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