How to get the Secret Ancient Orca in Fisch

The Ancient Orca is one of the new secret fish you can catch in Fisch, but it’s tough to find, and adding it to your collection will definitely grab the eyes of your fellow players. 

Unlike the traditional Orcas in Roblox’s Fisch, the Ancient Orcas have a unique white body with grey stripes, which makes them a rare catch. Just like other Secret Fish, your chances of catching one are very low, and you’ll need to adopt a few methods to have the highest odds of getting these new fish in your bestiary.

Here’s everything you need to know about getting the Ancient Orca in Fisch

Secret Ancient Orca Fisch guide

Picture showing a player carrying the ocra in Fisch.
I got a Hexed Orca by using the No-Life rod, so you can also get other mutations. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To get your hands on the Ancient Orca, go to the Menu at the top of your screen and scroll down to find the Server Info UI is Enabled option. Turn that setting on, and now you should see a server timer at the bottom left corner of your screen. Orcas always spawn in the first hour of any server, so that’s your direct way to get them using a private server. After that one hour, the odds of them spawning are pretty random. You can create your private server by paying some Robux and being the only one on that server. 

Orcas are hard-to-find creatures, so when a migration gets announced, many players start making their way to catch the fish. Using a private server allows you to be the only one to get the fish in the migration, thus enhancing your chances of getting the fish.

Unlike the Sunken chests, they don’t spawn in regular intervals, but you can definitely find more of them randomly when the server announces the Orca migration. You must stay near Moosewood Island as it allows you to quickly make your way to the migration spot. 

Picture showing the migration trail for ocra in Fisch.
Keep changing your fishing spot to catch the Orca, or they’ll swim away from you. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Once the Orca migration starts, a school of fish should travel in a straight line, and you always need to change your boat’s position to get the Orca as its catching zone keeps changing. While catching an Orca is a fairly easy task to achieve, getting the Ancient one will require some luck. You have many ways of enhancing your luck, such as getting luck from Merlin, using Heaven’s Rod, or similar fishing rods with a high luck stat. You can also use the Sundial Totem to make it a night and the Aurora Totem to increase your luck.

If you have some spare Robux in your account, you can increase the server luck to the maximum, which improves your chances of catching the Ancient Orca. You also need some resistance stats on your rod as it applies an 80 percent progress speed penalty, so you will need a strong rod to reel the fish in your box.

In terms of bait, Shark Head is your best bait to use. To get the Shark Head bait, make your way to the Terrapin island and purchase them. You can also use other baits that increase your luck and resistance stats to have a good shot at catching the secret Ancient Orca. 

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