How to increase your Charisma in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Charisma is a defining trait you have to use in multiple situations in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. You can use it to appease someone during a conversation, convince them to see your side of things, or even trick them. It all comes down to keeping your Charisma high.

Having a high Charisma is tricky. It’s not a stat you can level up like Strength, Agility, or even something like Thievery that you can develop as you do it multiple times. Instead, the stat is more about improving your other stats, and keeping an eye on a different customizable aspect of your character: their clothing. Your character’s clothing reflects their Charisma, and knowing how to improve it can be difficult at any point in your playthrough. Here’s what you need to know about how to increase Charisma and how it works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

How to get higher Charisma in Kingdom Come 2

Charisma Score in Kingdom Come 2
You can examine your Charisma score before you enter any conversation. Screenshot by Dot Esprots

You can find your current Charisma score at the bottom of your inventory screen when examining your character, beneath your Speech score and above Speed. Your Charisma score comes from the average Charisma rating of every piece of clothing you wear. This won’t account for the weapons or belts you’re wearing, but the more obvious clothing pieces, such as your hat, pants, shirt, necklaces, and hoods.

Each item in Kingdom Come 2 has a Charisma score, and your total Charisma score takes all those numbers, finds the average number, and becomes your Charisma. You can also increase your Charisma score based on your Strength skill if you get the Heracles perk, which gives you one point of Charisma for every five levels of Strength you have.

Your Charisma score can also change the more you wear the same clothing and as time goes by. As you play Kingdom Come 2, these items slowly degrade in quality, and their condition becomes worse. When they go low or reach zero, their Charisma scores dips, giving you less than you could have with newer clothing. The same is true if you have blood or dirt on them. You can clean this up by taking them to a bathhouse, or you can wash them at a laundry location if you have soap in your inventory.

Cleaning your clothing at a laundry point might be better so you can wash every item you have in inventory. The bathhouses only wash the ones you’re wearing.

Clothing quality in Kingdom Come 2
Always check a clothing’s quality and what it needs before setting out on an adventure. Screenshot by Dot Esports

When you want to improve the condition of your clothing, a tailor is the person you want to speak with. They can repair any clothing you have, so long as it’s not armor, which needs to be taken to a blacksmith. The nearest tailor you can find during the beginning of Kingdom Come 2 is in Troskowitz, in the southeast of town. For the blacksmith, head north of Troskowitz and speak with Radovan. Alternatively, you can use a tailor’s kit to repair your clothing or a blacksmith’s kit for your armor.

When you examine it, you’ll know a piece of clothing or armor’s maximum Charisma score is lowering your total. If you see two numbers, and the number on the left is lower than the one on the right, it needs to be cleaned or repaired. You can check the dirt, blood, and durability conditions to see what you need to do to increase an item’s Charisma score.

How to get better clothing in Kingdom Come 2

Better clothing in Kingdom Come 2
Compare the clothing you’re about the buy with the ones you’re wearing. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Like repairing your clothing, you can purchase higher-quality clothing by speaking with the tailor in Troskowitz. He has a variety of items for sale that you can add to your outfit. If you want to see if an item can give you a hefty boost of Charisma, look at the bottom right of the user interface when you’re examining an item.

You’ll see a plus or minus number in the Charisma section. If you see a plus, this means that if you wear the item with your current outfit, your overall Charisma goes up. The opposite happens if you see a minus sign. This requires you to wear your Charisma outfit while speaking with the Tailor if you want an accurate representation and ensure you can increase it.

You can also use smaller items to increase your Charisma score like rings and necklaces. These are items you typically don’t want to wear for combat in Kingdom Come 2, but they are handy when attending a fancy dinner or a nice wedding. You can find random rings and necklaces by defeating bandits and looting their camps, or you can try your chances of robbing richer characters you encounter. Commoners and peasants are unlikely to have necklaces or rings for you to steal.

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