Certain mechanics in Dave The Diver are quite complex to understand, and pouring beer is one of them. While you’re managing your sushi restaurant, customers sometimes order beer, so you need to be at the top of your game when it comes to pouring them a refreshing glass. Here’s how to perfectly pour beer in Dave The Diver.
How to perfectly pour beer for customers in Dave The Diver
To serve beer in your sushi restaurant in Dave The Diver, first, you have to complete Gourmet Vincent’s VIP challenge to unlock the refrigerator.
After you unlock beer as a complimentary drink for the sushi restaurant, your customers will start ordering it. Like you do for Green Tea, walk up to a customer ordering beer and trigger the minigame to pour their drink.

When the minigame starts, press the designated button to start pouring beer. If you want a perfect score, heed our advice: Tap the button or key multiple times to pour the beer and fill the jug. Don’t press and hold it like you’d do for Green Tea. Make sure to stop when it reaches 20 percent foam.

If you are playing Dave The Diver using a controller, it may feel a bit uncomfortable to keep pulling the analog stick multiple times to fill the glass—but it’s what you have to do if you want a perfect pour every time.
Alternatively, you can save yourself some work by training your staff with the relevant skill to pour drinks for you. You can train and level up your staff by going to the Staff tab and selecting the employee to view available upgrades. You need to have enough Gold to train your staff. Training your servers to pour drinks is the most convenient way to consistently earn good tips.

Not all your employees are capable of pouring drinks for your customers in Dave The Diver. For example, I have two servers at my sushi restaurant, but only Kyoko knows how to pour beer and green tea.