How to sell ships in Anno 1800

Anno 1800 continues attracting waves of new players eager to explore the Old and New Worlds and build up their comfy little connection of towns and islands.

The game, centered around colonization and trade, focuses a lot on ships and ship management. Not every ship you have or build will always be useful, so here is how you can sell ships in Anno 1800 and make back some of your investment.

Selling ships in Anno 1800, explained

A luxurious harbor build in the 19th century architectural style located at an island beach. Several boxes showing the Anno 1800 trading screen and UI are shown.
Ships can be sold to either of the neutral trading factions or pirates in Anno 1800. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To sell your ship in Anno 1800 you’ll need to click on it and take it to one of the possible trade posts scattered around the map. In the Old World, you can sell your ships either to pirates (if you have trading agreements with them) or the neutral factions led by Sir Archibald Blake and Madame Khaina.

Simply take your ship to either of their trading posts and press the “sell ship” button located at the right end of your screen. Once you do, you’ll be prompted with a price, and you should press the green tick to pick up your money.

In the New World and Enbesa regions, ships can be traded off to Isabel Sarmento and Emperor Ketema, in the same manner as above.

Keep in mind that all of the mentioned factions also sell ships, some of which are quite nice, but can reach astronomical prices. Purchasing ships also tends to require influence, so make sure you have enough of the necessary resources—financial and otherwise—before embarking on your ship-buying spree.

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