How to unlock Dupli-Kate in the Spring Raid event in Fortnite

Dupli-Kate holding up her fists next to the party up Spring Raid logo for Fortnite.

Screenshot by Dot Esports

Play with friends to unlock one of the Guardians of the Globe.

There’s a pretty decent collection of Invincible characters you can unlock in Fortnite, but most of them cost V-Bucks and are only obtainable through the item shop. Dupli-Kate is the unique exception, and you can acquire her for free through the Spring Raid event.

Free skins are a welcome gift anytime available, but this is especially cool if you’re an Invincible fan. Even if you’re not, it’s worth adding her and the other event prizes to your collection since they’re free, so here’s how to unlock Dupli-Kate and complete the Spring Raid event in Fortnite.

How to get Dupli-Kate for free in Fortnite

The Spring Raid event in Fortnite featuring Dupli-Kate as an unlockable skin and Shrinking Rae as a back bling.
The more you play, the more you earn. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To unlock Dupli-Kate for free in Fortnite, you need to fully complete the entire Spring Raid event by finishing a total of nine Party Up quests with friends. New quests unlock in this event every few days until March 22, and you need to keep working on them until you manage to add her to your collection.

Throughout this event, you can also earn Dupli-Kate’s Back Bling, Shrinking Rae, her Pickaxe, Duplicating Batons, and a special Duplikates emote for her. There are also five other unrelated prizes you can claim throughout it.

How to complete the Spring Raid event in Fortnite

To complete the Spring Raid event, you need to tackle the two types of Party Up quests that appear under the event section with at least one other player in your lobby. These quests include:

  • Earning a certain amount of XP in creator-made experiences in a party with friends.
  • Earning a certain amount of XP in “By Epic” experiences in a party with friends.

You need to play both experiences directly made by Epic, like Battle Royale and Reload, and those made by the Fortnite community to earn enough XP to claim all of the event prizes. Playing on the best XP maps for Chapter Six, season two is a great way to progress through this event.

How long is Dupli-Kate available for free in Fortnite?

You can only obtain Dupli-Kate for free from March 14 to 31 when the Spring Raid event concludes. It ends at exactly 8am CT on March 31, so if you want to add her to your locker, be sure to do so before this day and time.

After this event ends, Dupli-Kate can and will likely appear in the shop in the future since the event text says all items may appear in the item shop. She’ll no longer be free, though, and instead will cost V-Bucks if you want to add her to your collection. Based on the price of all other Invincible skins, she’ll probably cost 1,500 V-Bucks since this is the base price for every other character minus their accessory items.

All Spring Raid event rewards

The Shrinking Rae back bling on Invincible in Fortnite.
I am in dire need of a Rex Splode skin to pair this Back Bling with. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You can earn nine unique rewards throughout the Spring Raid event, with the free Dupli-Kate skin being the final grand prize. You can earn each one by completing the same number of quests as the reward number, so prize four needs four quests done, prize eight needs eight quests completed, and so on for all of the rest. Here are all of the prizes you can earn.

Number Reward
One “Through the Fire and Flames” Jam Track by DragonForce
Two Axo’s Big Moment Spray
Three Shrinking Rae Back Bling
Four Party Beats Spray
Five Field of Dreamflowers Loading Screen
Six Duplicating Batons Pickaxe
Seven Song Bubble Emoticon
Eight Duplikates Emote
Nine Dupli-Kate Outfit

There’s still a decent amount of time left in the current season, but the next one isn’t too far off, so be sure to tackle key tasks like the Wanted: Midas quests and The Getaway challenges while you can. And if you’re wondering when the next season begins, consider reviewing the start and end dates for all Fortnite seasons.

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