Is R.E.P.O. down? How to check server status

A full body shot of the moustache-wearing frog with a chef's hat on top of his head

Go go crazy frog. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Here’s how you can ensure the R.E.P.O. servers are up and running.

R.E.P.O., the latest indie horror gem following in the footsteps of Lethal Company, has attracted tens of thousands of players trying to pay the tax man on time. However, the influx of so many new users might have overloaded the servers, and some are wondering if they’re even functional.

So, here is how you can check R.E.P.O.‘s server status and see if the game is up in your region.

Are R.E.P.O.’s servers down?

An image of a red charcter, spewer, in REPO.
R.E.P.O. follows the Lethal Company formula and is an awesome horror title to play with friends. Screenshot by Dot Sports

According to an official statement from R.E.P.O.‘s developers (via Discord), the game is experiencing some server instability as of March 11. In particular, it appears that NA R.E.P.O. servers are suffering the most, with European and other servers remaining relatively unaffected.

The developers recommend the following steps to ensure a smooth gameplay experience, especially if you are in the NA region:

  • Let someone from other regions be the host.
  • Use VPN to connect to European servers.
  • Check for Steam Client Updates (all users, regardless of region, should do this).
  • Take turns as hosts between matches.

If these fixes haven’t helped your case, the developers advise simply waiting for the servers to come back up on their own. The game is seeing a massive influx of players daily, with peak concurrent player numbers rising every week. For a small indie developer, this many users trying to hop on might prove overwhelming, thus leading to server instability. The devs are aware of these issues and are likely working in the background to ensure enough stable servers are available for everyone.

How to check server status for R.E.P.O.

Two Bangers looking up at the camera in R.E.P.O.
R.E.P.O. features a wide variety of enemies that will hinder your acquisition of valuables. Screenshot by Dot Esports

R.E.P.O. doesn’t have any official server status tool, but it has an awesome and active official Discord server where announcements regarding the game, including its server status, are constantly posted. To ensure the servers are up and running, refer to the Discord’s announcement page or engage with other users from your region.

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