The next League of Legends champion, Mel, was designed as a mid laner. But some players think she’s best suited for another role.
Following Mel’s announcement in League, players anticipated her to be a support champion. This assumption made a lot of sense since she shielded her allies in the final fights of Arcane season two, and we haven’t had a new support in the game for a while. Eventually, Riot Games confirmed Mel is a mid laner, but players think she fits the bot lane carry role more.
On Jan. 12, a player on Reddit pointed out that Mel seems better as a bot lane carry. They pointed out a few reasons Mel’s better as a bot lane carry. These included her lack of mobility and how her abilities are easier to apply when enemies are pinned down with crowd control.

“All of these point to Mel being much stronger in a 2v2 lane compared to a 1v1. I can see combos like Nautilus Mel or Leona Mel easily overwhelming opponents should a single hook land,” the player wrote.
Many other players agreed, underlining how strong she’d be with Leona or Nautilus. “I wonder what the chances are that she ends up with next to no pick rate mid and heavy bot lane. I can’t imagine her being too good into the viability wall champions mid which will mostly relegate her bot or not picked,” the top comment reads.

Mel will introduce a fresh mechanic to League with projectile reflection. But that’s not the only ace up her sleeve. She also has numerous damaging skills, like her Q and ultimate. But her heavy burst comes at the cost of no mobility, which makes her susceptible to crowd control.
Despite being a good candidate for the bot lane, players outlined how every mage is suitable for this role. They have a point since, in the last few years, champions like Ziggs, Swain, Lux Seraphine, and Cassiopeia are constantly picked for the lane. According to U.GG, three of these champions are on top of the bot lane standings.
Mel has yet to debut on the official servers, so there’s no data for now. She’s set to arrive on Jan. 23 with Patch 25.S1.2.