Niantic secretly makes much-hated Pokemon Go Fest research easier to finish

A particularly grindy research in the ongoing Pokémon Go Fest 2024 event left even the most dedicated players perplexed. To their relief, however, Niantic has apparently swooped in with a silent update to save the day.

In a rather surprising move, the dev has changed one of the tasks of the “Dawn of a New Discovery” quest to make the experience easier for Pokémon Go hunters.

If you didn’t notice it before, the task initially wanted hunters to catch seven of Emolga, Crabrawler, or Ducklett. To do so, players had to select one of the species and complete the task of capturing seven of them. But now, the same task has been updated, requiring players to capture 10 different species of Pokémon instead. 

Considering how stubborn Niantic usually is about listening to the community, it certainly is a rare and unexpected winning move. From afar, you may not understand why players were upset about the initial task, but this community post on Reddit perfectly reflects the issues they went through. In short, players were forced to choose a creature and then grind for hours to find seven of them, thanks to their low spawn rates in Pokémon Go. 

Interestingly, multiple players complained about the spawn rates being ridiculously low for the Pokémon they chose while being sufficiently high for the ones they didn’t. “Before I chose Crabrawler, they were everywhere. So when the time came to choose, I picked Crabrawler because I figured it would be fast,” one player said. “But as soon as I did, they barely showed and suddenly it was only Emolgas around. SMH.”

Well, if you haven’t completed the task already, you no longer need to go through the pain of locking a Pokémon—so nothing should stop you now! 

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