Rachael Lillis, voice of Misty and Jessie in Pokémon anime, dies at 46

Rachael Lillis, the original voice of Misty and Jessie in the English-language versions of the Pokémon anime and other characters in many games and anime, has died at the age of 46.

Lillis’ death was announced today in a post on Twitter/X by Veronica Taylor, the original voice of Ash Ketchum from the Pokémon anime. Lillis had been battling cancer for some time, and according to Taylor, the voice actor died on Aug. 10.

The loss of Lillis is a heavy blow for Pokémon fans, as she voiced multiple iconic characters in the series. Misty has been an indelible part of the series since the anime’s very first episode, with Jessie entering the fray alongside Team Rocket in episode two. In addition to these two character, Lillis also provided voice acting for several of the show’s Pokémon, including Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Goldeen, Lapras, and more, as well as several other characters in her run with the show. Her last credited role in the Pokémon came in 2015, returning as Jigglypuff almost 20 years after the show first aired in 1997.

“She had unlimited kindness and compassion, even until the very end,” Taylor wrote in tribute to Lillis. “She had a great sense of humor, was wonderful to be with, incredibly intelligent, and had such a memory. She worked hard and cared deeply.”

Fan tributes to Lillis poured in on social media and in comments under Taylor’s announcement, as many Pokémon players and viewers expressed their sorrow and condolences. Lillis’ voice was one that many fans clearly grew up hearing and associate with the wonder and joy of the early days of Pokémon.

From plotting devious schemes to emotional goodbyes with Pokémon, Lillis’ acting was a pillar on which the original Pokémon anime stood. She will be missed.

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