Completing story quests is essential if you want to keep up with the lore in Fortnite Chapter Six, season one. Some of the tasks you need to tackle are The Spirit Realm quest series, and since these ones have some tricky parts, you may need help navigating through them.
Although some of these quests can be tough, they’re worth finishing for the massive amount of XP you get to claim as you work through them. They’re also a lot easier to finish once you know exactly what needs to be done, here are all of The Spirit Realm quests and how to complete them in Fortnite.
How to complete all The Spirit Realm story quests in Fortnite

There are six different tasks you need to finish to complete The Spirit Realm story quests in Fortnite. These quests take you all over the map, so there’s a decent chance they’ll take you a few rounds to finish.
Place Spirit Charms to investigate the mysterious crater in Fortnite
The first step is to visit the crater located slightly east of Twinkle Terrace to place three Spirit Charms around it. There are five spots around the crater you can interact with, but you only need to place a total of three Spirit Charms.
Choose whichever three spots you like and select the interact button to place them. This button varies by platform, but is always displayed on the interactive spots to help you finish this task.

Hit opponents at different named locations to hone in on the comet’s location in Fortnite
You need to strike a total of three enemies at three different named locations to finish the next task. It’s up to you how you hit them which means you can use any weapon you have or something simple like your pickaxe if that’s all you have to work with.
I completed this task by hitting one enemy at Lost Lake, another at Seaport City, and the last one at Brutal Boxcars. There are plenty of named locations you can venture to for this task, but you must deal one strike at three different locations to finish this quest. Here are all of the named locations you can visit.
- Shogun’s Solitude
- Whiffy Wharf
- Seaport City
- Lost Lake
- Brutal Boxcars
- Burd
- Nightshift Forest
- Canyon Crossing
- Warrior’s Watch
- Kappa Kappa Factory
- Hopeful Heights
- Masked Meadows
- Shattered Span
- Pumped Power
- Demon’s Dojo
- Magic Mosses
- Flooded Frogs
Track traces of the comet in the mountains in Fortnite
You need to venture into the mountains to find and track three traces of the comet. There are seven different spots you can travel to for this task, but you only need to visit three.
I recommend either choosing the three spots between Warrior’s Watch and Canyon Crossing or the three spots between Canyon Crossing and Masked Meadows. The seventh spot is located quite far away from the other six, so it’s best to choose any of the other ones to get this quest done quickly.
When you get close to any of the spots, a small white magnifying glass icon will appear. There’s no actual object you can investigate. Instead, it’s just a few specified spots in the snowy mountains. The icon can be a bit difficult to see since it’s the same color as the snow, so scan the area carefully to ensure you don’t miss it.

Speak to Kendo about Daigo and the portal in Fortnite
You’ve learned quite a lot, so it’s time to speak with Kendo about Daigo and the portal to update him on everything you know. Kendo can be found near the northeast end of Nightshift Forest walking around by a portal and a lake.

Damage Shogun X to make his essence appear and collect it in Fortnite
The toughest part of the entire quest series is damaging Shogun X so you can make his essence drop and collect it. There are two different ways to go about finding this imposing boss.
If it’s fairly early on in the match, your best bet is to open the map and look for the massive circular mask icon. He can appear just about anywhere on the island, but his location is always marked by a very large icon. Once you find it, travel to his location and deal damage against him. As soon as you do, look for the glowing essence on the ground and pick it up.
If it’s late in the match and down to around 30 players, wait for Shogun’s Arena to appear to fight Shogun X there instead. When it does, head up to this floating island and deal a few blows against Shogun X. Although it might be tempting to fully defeat him for his Medallion, focus on finding the glowing essence on the ground first.

Give Hope Shogun X’s essence to learn about the comet’s true nature in Fortnite
The final task in this series is to visit Hope and give her Shogun X’s essence. She can be found near the south end of Hopeful Heights in a building with Vengeance Jones. She has quite a few different chatting options available, so be sure to choose the quest one rather than any of her other dialogue choices. Once you finish chatting with her, The Spirit Realm quest series will be complete.