How to complete Forbidden Fruit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

With your first task completed for Kreyzl in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, it’s time to work on a more meaningful job and locate a saltpeter pit. You’ll be working on this in the Forbidden Fruit quest, bringing you one step closer to the wedding.

Miller Kreyzl wants you to track down a saltpeter pit, but doesn’t know how to find one. Thankfully, he has a hired hand who can point you in the right direction, so you’ll need to work with them to learn where to go next. Although a straightforward task, expect to jump through several hoops and use underhanded tactics to get the job done. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete Forbidden Fruit in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

All Forbidden Fruit tasks and steps in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Talking with bonnie at The Lair.
Speak with Bonnie at the lair to learn about saltpeter. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The first thing you’ll want to do is speak with Bonnie. You can find her holed up at The Lair, a location you had the chance to visit during the previous quest but may have avoided. It’s to the southeast of the mill, deep in the forest. When you get there, speak with Bonnie, and she’ll tell you how to find and track down a saltpeter pit in Kingdom Come 2.

Unfortunately, it all comes down to taste. You’ll have to taste the pit to determine whether your finding is correct. Even if you must rely on your taste to find it, Bonnie points out the correct way to track down the saltpeter pit: Talking with its creator, the gravedigger of Troskowitz. You can find them to the east of Troskowitz.

Visiting and helping the gravedigger

Helping the gravedigger
Help the gravedigger with his task. Screenshot by Dot Esports

When you reach the graveyard, speak with the gravedigger while walking around the area. He should be easy to find, so long as there’s daylight. As you talk to him and ask about the saltpeter pit, be straightforward and truthful with him. Embellishing the truth doesn’t do anything good for you, and he immediately knows what you’re talking about when you ask him, but he doesn’t know as a saltpeter.

After he agrees to help you find the pit, he does require you to help him with his job. You can try tempting him with any fresh meat you have in your inventory, but even if he likes it, he still needs help with this quest in Kingdom Come 2. You must return at daybreak to meet up with him to continue the quest.

Working with the gravedigger travelling
Picking up sacks and putting them down. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Many tasks you have to do for the gravedigger include picking up old carcasses for the local folks and making sure people don’t mistake you for thieves. Shortly after the first task, the second has you caring for someone’s dead pigs. The gravedigger believes they were poisoned. Before picking up the pigs, head to the stream north of the farm to find out how they were infected, and you discover two dead deer in the stream which would have poisoned the pigs.

Dead deer infection location.
Find the source of the infection upstream. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Beyond finding the source of the infection, the task is primarily moving things from one location to another. It can take a bit of time given how heavy the sacks, and the distance you have to travel.

How to take care of the greengrocer’s dog in Forbidden Fruit

Greengrocher's dog location.
Sneak onto the farm to poison the dog. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The next task requires you to be much more sneaky. For this job, you have to feed a dog some poisoned meat and make sure no one sees you do it. The greengrocer’s dog is at the middle of the farm. When you arrive at the farmstead, make your way to the east, and put on your sneaking outfit to make it more difficult for others to see you. Sneak through the hole in the fence and walk toward the shed.

Find the missing dog
Search for the dog to the east of the farm. Screenshot by Dot Esports

However, the dog won’t be there. You’ll need to wander around for a bit until you hear barking. This should bring you to the outside of the farm on the east side, where you’ll find a woman with the greengrocer’s dog next to her, and it turns out to be Bonnie. She wants to steal the dog for herself and keep it with her at The Lair. You can choose to kill the dog, or let her have it. If she takes the dog, she removes it from the area and you stay on her good side.

If you do let Bonnie keep the dog, you’ll have to return to the gravedigger and convince him you did use the poison on him. There’s a persuasion check involved, and we’d recommend switching to nicer clothing if you want to pull it off.

After you talk with the gravedigger, he agrees to take you to the pit. He’ll lead you to it, and you’ll also receive a pair of gloves for the work you did for him. You can then return to Kreyzl, and he’ll give you a sneaking book and 85 groschen, completing the quest.

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