Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 console commands and item ID codes

There are hundreds of items and equipment you can find throughout your playthrough of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 you can find throughout your journey. For those who don’t want to waste any time tracking down an item, there are multiple console commands and item ID codes you can use.

These codes are a good way to immediately conjure an item before you or give yourself the best starting armor and weapons at the beginning of a game. For those who want to grab something immediately rather than learn where to find it, this should make it easier to add them to your inventory. There are a few steps you do have to do before these become available, and you have to turn them on in your game. Here’s what you need to know about to turn on console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and the various item ID codes you need to use.

How to activate Kingdom Come 2 console commands

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When you want to add developer commands and start using these commands in your game, turn the game off and go into your Steam settings. From here, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Kingdom Come 2 name in your library, and open up the launch menu.
  2. From here, select the Properties option. You won’t have to navigate to any of the other menus, since you only need to be in the General tab, which is the first one.
  3. At the bottom, underneath Launch Options, type in, “-devmode,” as shown in the image above. This should activate the various console commands you can input into your game.

Be aware that it’s possible any console commands or codes you use could cause issues for your playthrough of Kingdom Come 2. We recommend having two save files of the game, one where you use these commands, and another where you can find the ones you like and want to use in your game. If something breaks in the save file you use for this, it won’t ruin your entire playthrough, and you can always play on your main file. Alternatively, you can manually save before you use the console commands and load earlier files.

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Now, when you start your game of Kingdom Come 2, hit the ` key on your keyboard, next to the number one. This input will bring up the developer command page. For a full list of all console commands you can use throughout your playthrough, type in, “?_” in the console, and you’ll bring up the entire list of every command you can type into the game, modifying it for that file. This is a massive list of things you can do, so you want to be careful about which ones you use, as they can dramatically change your game.

All Kingdom Come 2 item ID codes

For those who want to instantly add an item in Kingdom Come 2, you input this into the console by typing, “wh_cheat_addItem ”, and you’ll receive the item. It won’t appear in front of you, but instead immediately goes into your inventory.

Unfortunately for players, not every item made its way to the sequel for those who played the first game. Those that did don’t have the same item code, so we’ll add to this chart as we learn the proper item codes and find out what still works. We’ll add more to this list while playing Kingdom Come 2. Expect to see more as we continue poking around the game and learn more from what the community can figure out. Adding items to your game is much simpler than changing specific properties, such as allowing your mount to fly.

Item Code Item Name
167eb312-0e9d-4c2f-8ce3-56c32f5a84cb Armorer’s Kit
C707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83 Blacksmith’s Kit
8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0 Lockpick
B38c34b7-6016-4f64-9ba2-65e1ce31d4a1 Marigold Decoction
928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1 Saviour Schnapps
29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0 Smoked Sausage
9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50 Tailor’s Kit

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