As you explore the many paths and roads in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, expect to discover multiple nests on trees along the way. These nests are stuck up in the many branches, and getting them down can be a challenge, but they have several rewards.
There are a few tricks you can use to knock a bird’s nest out of a tree. When you do, they drop a handful of items you can pick up and take. Don’t expect to find a king’s bounty inside the nest, but it’s still nice to find a handful of supplies—especially if you need money, some lockpicks, or simple items to aid you on your trips. Here’s what you need to know about how to get nests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
How to knock nests out of trees in Kingdom Come 2

There are two ways you can get nests out of a tree. The easiest way to do it, without using tools or items, is to try jumping up on a tree and grabbing it. You might be able to aim your eyesight at it to knock it from the tree and grab the items inside it. It’s a hit-or-miss process, and it comes down to jumping high enough or finding a low enough branch with a nest inside it. But it’s not the only option available.
More commonly than not, these nests will be too high in a tree. Instead, you must find a way to knock it down from the branches. The best way to do this is with a bow and arrow. Any bow and arrow, or even a crossbow, is a good way to knock these out of a tree whenever you find them along the road in Kingdom Come 2. As you improve your Marksmanship skill and increase it, hitting the nests becomes much more manageable. If your Marksmanship skill is lower than 10, don’t expect to hit it every time. It’s easy to miss it. Hopefully, you have at least five arrows on you.

After knocking the nest out of a tree, it’ll fall to the ground, and you can approach it to loot all the items. The nest I did for this example contained a dice badge, which is a surprisingly good item. Usually, I pick up a few groschen, bandages, lockpicks, or other random items that I can pick up inside a random chest or sack when looting a bandit camp. They might not be the best items, but you can also bring them to traders to sell them for a few coins, which is always good.
Looting the nests won’t be the best way to make money, but you find them exceptionally often. These usually appear outside of villages and alongside roads in Kingdom Come 2. The more you wander around in the forests and away from people, the more you expect to see nests on your compass at the top of the screen. You’ll receive a small notification that you’ve discovered a nest along the way when you’re walking around, indicating where you can find the nearest one.
If you’ve also unlocked and added Mutt as a companion, he’ll bark toward where you can find one. This is a good way to track down a nest that you might have missed, especially if they have additional items you can add to your inventory.