Hold on to your hats, Hunters. The Bloodborne remaster and/or PC port has never felt more real than it has after recent developments. This is not copium or hopium. I swear.
After Sony recently sent a DMCA for a mod that allowed Bloodborne to be played at 60 FPS on PS4, another DMCA has just hit the internet. This time, it’s for the Bloodborne “demake,” which is a PS1-like version of the game. And it’s got all of our heads spinning.

Why is Sony now going out of its way to file copyright claims against Bloodborne mods? What could be the reasoning for it? Well, that ties in to another rumor involving PlayStation and its plans for Valentine’s Day.
According to the latest rumblings, a new State of Play presentation could be coming soon. And one such rumor says it will be taking place next week on Friday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. That’s in nine days, in case you weren’t counting.
And so, here we are again, hoping and coping and chasing that carrot. The Bloodborne remaster/PC port has been on gamers’ wish lists for years. The game is currently still only playable on PS4, and only at 30 FPS, so the desire to bring it to modern platforms with updated visuals has been a top request.
But it feels different this time. The evidence has been mounting, Sony is getting involved with litigation surrounding the game, and next month marks the game’s 10th anniversary. That’s right, Bloodborne originally launched on March 24, 2015, and what better way to celebrate its birthday than launching a remaster and port?
I swear I’m not coping. This one feels real. If they were ever going to bring the game to PC and modern platforms, this would be the time. If it doesn’t happen now, I feel like it may not happen at all, but Miyazaki and the team at From Software do want it to happen, so it may just be more months and years of hoping. And coping.

Bloodborne really deserves this remaster, though. With From Software reaching new heights with the success of Elden Ring, one of their best overall titles needs the spotlight. And there’s no better way to do that than to launch the remaster on Steam, PS5, and other platforms. Let’s get it done, Sony. That money you love is waiting for you.
Everything will be fine.