‘More intelligent’ Killjoy Alarmbot, crucial Regen Shield fix, and more

It’s time for the V25 season’s second patch. A small yet crucial update, VALORANT Patch 10.02 focuses on balancing the competitive experience with a set of much-needed fixes to notorious bugs and an interesting Killjoy Alarmbot change.

Patch 10.02 goes live on Feb. 4. You can download the update from the Riot Client after a brief server maintenance period. Just a reminder: VALORANT’s servers won’t be available during the maintenance; you can get back to playing after downloading the update.

Here’s the complete VALORANT Patch 10.02 patch notes.

All changes and fixes in VALORANT Patch 10.02

VALORANT Patch 10.02 banner
Bugs fixed. Image via Riot Games

Critical Regen Shield bug fix

The Regen Shield has added a powerful regenerative defense option to VALORANT’s competitive experience. Now, imagine a glitch that lets you dodge “certain types” of lethal damage when wearing it. 

Thankfully, Patch 10.02 deals with the said bug, which apparently allowed players with Regen Shields to avoid deadly damage and escape at one HP. The fix also addresses a related case that let Clove “tank lethal damage specifically when Regen Shield and Pick Me Up were active at the same time.”

Killjoy’s Alarmbot gets an “intelligent” update

If you thought Killjoy’s Alarmbot had a weird way of tracking enemies, VALORANT Patch 10.02 does a little magic to help polish it up. 

With its logic being updated to make it “more intelligent,” the Alarmbot will now “path towards players if they are on ledges and explode on them” if they are hit by the explosion’s radius, instead of “trying to run extremely long paths around the map.” But I definitely have to admit: It was fun watching the bot running around, trying to find the enemy it latched on to.

Other agent and gameplay bug fixes

Patch 10.2 addresses critical bugs related to three VALORANT agents and a minor one related to Observer POV. Here are the details:

  • Vyse: Fixed an issue where Arc Rose and Razorvine were visible when placed on specific water surfaces.
  • Tejo: Fixed an issue where players could rarely survive running straight through the full duration of Armageddon.
  • Killjoy: Fixed an issue where Killjoy’s recall minimap indicator could get stuck in a state where it was invisible.
  • Gameplay systems: Fixed a bug where Observers were seeing inconsistent player team outline colors.

More bug fixes for the Premier mode

The path-to-pro Premier mode has always been prone to some annoying visual bugs. Patch 10.02 addresses three of them today.

  • Fixed an issue where long team names could overlap each other on the playoff bracket screen.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdowns on the standings sometimes cut off text.
  • Fixed an issue where the division name text was not always correctly aligned on the match history screen.

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