Grafaiai is making its way to Pokémon Go, and you’ll have the opportunity to add this Pokémon to your growing collection. After you find its starter form, Shroodle, and evolve it, you’ll want to make sure to give it the best moveset possible if you’d like to use it in battle.
There are a handful of moves you can teach Grafaiai, but only specific combinations are viable options. It’s a unique Pokémon, as it’s a Poison and Normal-type, giving it unique weaknesses and resistances that other Pokémon might be unable to counter. Still, knowing the best attacks to teach it can make it a worthwhile choice, even if it’s not the strongest Pokémon in the game. Here’s what you need to know about the best moveset to teach Grafaiai in Pokémon Go.
Grafaiai’s best moveset in Pokémon Go

Grafaiai is a Poison and Normal-type Pokémon. It is weak against Ground and Psychic-type attacks but is resistant against Bug, Fairy, Grass, Ghost, and Poison-type moves. With only a handful of weaknesses, it’ll be tough to counter Grafaiai directly, but Ground-type Pokémon are a common favorite for many players in the Great League. The best moveset you can teach Grafaiai in Pokémon Go is the fast move Mud-Slap and the charged moves Poison Fang and Sludge Bomb.
Attack name | Attack type | Damage type | Damage | Energy |
Mud-Slap | Fast Move | Ground type | 12 | 3.3 |
Poison Fang | Charged Move | Poison type | 45 | 40 |
Sludge Bomb | Charged Move | Poison type | 80 | 50 |
If you’re looking to catch Grafaiai’s starter form, Shroodle, you’ll need to defeat Team Rocket leaders Arlo, Cliff, or Sierra, and get 12km eggs. There’s a chance for Shroodle to appear inside the egg, and then you’ll need at least 50 Shroodle Candy to evolve it into Grafaiai.
When it comes to using Mud-Slap as the fast move, it’s a solid choice with a lot of damage. The downside to this attack is that it does take a few turns to use, but the damage and energy output are exceptionally good for a ground-type attack. Your other option is Poison Jab, a Poison-type attack that does seven damage and gives 3.5 energy. Although it provides slightly more energy than Mud-Slap, the damage output is lower, Mud-Slap is a better attack to counter other Pokémon for Grafaiai. Poison Jab might have been good alternative ia f all of Grafaiai’s charged moves were not Poison-type options.
Like the fast-move choice, the charged moves available to Grafaiai are limited but decent options. Of the three options you can choose from, the best are Poison Fang and Sludge Bomb. Poison Fang is an attack that only requires 40 energy and does 45 damage, whereas Sludge Bomb needs 50 energy and does 80 damage. It’s a large damage spike, and their difference is pretty low.
Unfortunately, the alternative to these two is another Poison-type charged move, Acid Spray. It’s an attack you’re better off avoiding. You need to save up to 45 energy to use it, which does 20 damage. This is significantly lower than both Poison Fang and Sludge Bomb. The only upside to it is that Acid Spray has a guaranteed chance to lower an opponent’s defense by two ranks. Still, that debuff isn’t enough for you to want to swap it out for Sludge Bomb or Poison Fang, and that mostly comes down to the energy cost for the attack.
Is Grafaiai good in Pokémon Go?
When it comes down to comparing Grafaiai against other Pokémon in Pokémon Go, it’s a decent choice. It might be better to get this Pokémon sooner rather than later and wait until a move pool change happens in the future. You’ll want to swap out Sludge Wave or Poison Fang for a better option, but that’s only if Niantic introduces a good attack for it. Still, having Grafaiai in your collection is a good idea, especially if you regularly participate in the Cup-themed Battle League competitions. It’ll be a good niche Pokémon choice.