XQC defended fellow streamer Adin Ross for a homophobic rant against a viewer, claiming his response was “justified.”
Ross’ fellow Kick streamer TrainwrecksTV got into a heater argument with a viewer who accused him of promoting gambling to susceptible people, with Ross then jumping into the debate with comments that have been heavily criticized.

The homophobic rant from Ross included ableist comments, encouraging the viewer to self-harm, saying, “Kill yourself, please die,” and referring to a friend of the viewer, who fell into a gambling addiction, as a “complete fucking retard.”
Despite the vast majority of the response to the rant being negative, Twitch streamer xQc believes differently and claimed the rant was “justified” due to comments previously posted in chat by the viewer.
In his stream, xQc said: “If you threaten somebody’s life, I don’t give a fuck, you can tell them whatever you want,” then added, “everything’s on the table.”
XQC faced a similar backlash to Ross for his comments on Reddit, where users called them “shocking” and said “pieces of shit defend pieces of shit.”
Another sarcastically questioned if xQc had a “responsibility for selling out” his community and “shoving gambling down their fracking [sic] throats.” Another commented on the growing incidents like this in streaming where racism, hate speech, and similar had become “so normalized.”
The latest incident comes off the back of HasanAbi calling Twitch “fucking stupid” for banning viewers for using a racial slur in chat and Asmongold slamming SeanDaBlack for “advocating for genocide.”
XQc’s latest comments are far from the first time the former professional Overwatch player has faced controversy, which included being suspended from the Overwatch League due to homophobic comments.