Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode will give out better rewards soon—but only if players stick around

The Onslaught PvE defense mode in Destiny 2 has been a big hit with the community and has been a great way to prepare fans ahead of the highly anticipated Final Shape expansion. However, some players have been leaving before reaching wave 50, and Bungie wants to address it.

The Bungie team has outlined how they will provide additional incentives for players to remain for all 50 rounds. In a game mode that can easily last you an hour from start to finish, it’s understandable why some Destiny 2 players would be frustrated seeing their teammates drop before they finish. Hopefully, these upcoming incentives are enough for a full team to make it to the finish line without anyone leaving.

A Warlock and a Titan do battle with a Heavy Shank in Destiny 2's Onslaught mode.
Bungie will start giving additional rewards for fireteams who make it to round 50 in Onslaught. Image via Bungie

Bungie’s plan to address those dropping after wave 10 is to begin offering more weapon rewards, and they’re giving a buff to Trophies of Bravery drops in Onslaught. When Destiny 2 players complete a wave, they get an additional weapon drop at the end. The weapon rewards increase after each wave they complete, and then there will be a guaranteed weapon drop when they reach wave 50. On top of these two significant reward changes, the team also adds a bonus weapon to drop after completing wave 50, giving players two weapons if they reach the finish line.

These weapon rewards could prove significant for Destiny 2 players who want the best chances for any Brave weapons they’re trying to get by playing Onslaught. The Bungie team also wants to make the later waves feel more rewarding, and they’re increasing the amount of Trophies of Bravery players earn for completing waves 40 and 50 in the standard Onslaught mode, and waves 30, 40, and 50 on Legend Difficulty.

The thread in which Bungie shared this information is also where they confirmed that Shaxx’s Hall of Champions vendor will not get a reset. After Destiny 2, players have the highest reputation with Shaxx for playing Onslaught; that’s it. There’s no way to reset it. Anything that says it can reset is a bug.

Hopefully, these changes are exactly what Destiny 2 players need to remain with a fireteam until rank 50. Because of these updated rewards, some players might want to sync with friends to have a higher chance of reaching the final waves rather than relying on a fireteam finder.

Bungie stated these changes would go live sometime next week in Destiny 2. We expect them to coincide with Tuesday’s weekly Destiny 2 reset.

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