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How to make Bulletproof vest in Little Alchemy cheats and guide

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What to do with Bulletproof vest in Little Alchemy cheats and guide

Bulletproof vest on this moment is a final element.

Walkthrough Guide for bulletproof vest in Little Alchemy

  1. air + earth = dust
  2. earth + fire = lava
  3. air + fire = energy
  4. earth + water = mud
  5. air + water = rain
  6. air + lava = stone
  7. dust + fire = gunpowder
  8. earth + rain = plant
  9. fire + stone = metal
  10. mud + plant = swamp
  11. gunpowder + metal = bullet
  12. energy + swamp = life
  13. earth + life = human
  14. human + metal = tool
  15. metal + tool = armor
  16. armor + bullet = bulletproof vest