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Cheats For Little Alchemy


[aoa id='2'] Play Little Alchemy 1 Game [/aoa]


Little Alchemy Cheats All 580+ Element Combinations in order




Little Alchemy is a game where you Combine Elements to create New Elements. You start with the Basic Elements Fire , Water , Air , and Earth and create more complex items up to Life , Time , and Internet . In our complete Little Alchemy Cheat Sheet /hint you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted List with All Little Alchemy Elements Cheat Sheet to find out more about it. For each Element we give you All Little Alchemy Ingredients and Recipes for its creation and what other elements can be mixed with it. In Little Alchemy Cheats walkthroughs we provide a step-by-step guide with the shortest way from the start to each element. Our Little Alchemy cheats List 580+ Combination and Elements Contains all 27 Pokki Candy Cheats of the desktop version and the special 9 Hidden Gems.

Keep our page Little Alchemy Cheats and Guide in the browser bookmarks, watch answers at any time and share it with friends. Here is little alchemy beginner cheats.

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Are you looking for Little Alchemy cheats to help you complete the game?

A – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658615806 703 How to make Acid rain in Little Alchemy  Acid rain

How to make Air in Little AlchemyAir
How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyAirplane

1658618089 553 How to make Alarm clock in Little AlchemyAlarm clock

1658618216 41 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyAlcohol

1658618363 394 How to make Algae in Little AlchemyAlgae

1658617904 191 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyAlien

How to make Allergy in Little AlchemyAllergy

1658618732 21 How to make Alligator in Little AlchemyAlligator

1658618854 677 How to make Alpaca in Little AlchemyAlpaca

1658618948 109 How to make Ambulance in Little AlchemyAmbulance

How to make Angel in Little AlchemyAngel

1658619340 527 How to make Angler in Little AlchemyAngler

1658619755 352 How to make Ant in Little AlchemyAnt

1658621778 886 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemyAntarctica

1658621957 897 How to make Aquarium in Little AlchemyAquarium

1658622879 364 How to make Archipelago in Little AlchemyArchipelago

1658622993 502 How to make Armadillo in Little AlchemyArmadillo

How to make Armadillo in Little AlchemyArmor

1658623227 400 How to make Ash in Little AlchemyAsh

1658617904 79 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyAstronaut

1658623328 382 How to make Astronaut in Little AlchemyAstronaut ice cream

1658617776 287 How to make Air in Little AlchemyAtmosphere

1658623660 561 How to make Atomic bomb in Little AlchemyAtomic bomb

1658621778 89 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemyAurora

How to make Avalanche in Little AlchemyAvalanche

1658624029 876 How to make Axe in Little AlchemyAxe

B – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658624135 978 How to make Bacon in Little AlchemyBacon

How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemyBacteria

How to make Baker in Little AlchemyBaker

1658624417 857 How to make Baker in Little AlchemyBakery

1658624515 971 Wie macht man Affe in Little AlchemyBanana

How to make Banana in Little AlchemyBanana bread

1658625295 307 How to make Bandage in Little AlchemyBandage

1658625432 144 How to make Bank in Little AlchemyBank

1658625605 216 How to make Barn in Little AlchemyBarn

1658625784 909 How to make Bat in Little AlchemyBat

1658625784 263 How to make Bat in Little AlchemyBatman

How to make Flour in Little AlchemyBatter

1658626133 947 How to make Bayonet in Little AlchemyBayonet

1658626315 361 How to make Bbq in Little AlchemyBbq

How to make Beach in Little AlchemyBeach

How to make Beaver in Little AlchemyBeaver

How to make Bee in Little AlchemyBee

1658626965 613 How to make Bee in Little AlchemyBeehive

1658618217 631 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyBeer

1658627873 221 How to make Bicycle in Little AlchemyBicycle

1658617775 288 How to make Air in Little AlchemyBird

1658628106 763 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyBirdhouse

1658631482 958 How to make Black hole in Little AlchemyBlack hole

1658617905 705 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyBlade

1658633959 195 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyBlender

How to make Blizzard in Little AlchemyBlizzard

How to make Bandage in Little AlchemyBlood

How to make Boat in Little AlchemyBoat

How to make Boiler in Little AlchemyBoiler

How to make Bone in Little AlchemyBone

1658643922 288 How to make Bonsai tree in Little AlchemyBonsai tree

How to make Book in Little AlchemyBook

1658624135 51 How to make Bacon in Little AlchemyBread

1658650746 208 How to make Brick in Little AlchemyBrick

How to make Bridge in Little AlchemyBridge

How to make Broom in Little AlchemyBroom

1658623110 494 How to make Armor in Little AlchemyBullet

1658623110 919 How to make Armor in Little AlchemyBulletproof vest

Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyBus

How to make Cow in Little AlchemyButcher

How to make Butter in Little AlchemyButter

How to make Butterfly in Little AlchemyButterfly

C – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Cactus in Little AlchemyCactus

1658657001 256 How to make Cadbury eggs in Little AlchemyCadbury eggs

1658657265 305 How to make Cake in Little AlchemyCake

How to make Camel in Little AlchemyCamel

How to make Bbq in Little AlchemyCampfire

How to make Cake in Little AlchemyCandle

How to make Candy cane in Little AlchemyCandy cane

How to make Cannon in Little AlchemyCannon

1658618948 547 How to make Ambulance in Little AlchemyCar

How to make Caramel in Little AlchemyCaramel

1658658383 716 How to make Caramel in Little AlchemyCaramel apple

1658658383 111 How to make Caramel in Little AlchemyCaramelo

1658651596 5 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyCarbon dioxide

1658659067 614 How to make Carrot in Little AlchemyCarrot

1658624207 40 Wie macht man Achterbahn in Little AlchemyCart

Wie macht man Bergziege in Little AlchemyCashmere

1658658077 232 How to make Cannon in Little AlchemyCastle

How to make Cat in Little AlchemyCat

1658659604 954 How to make Cat in Little AlchemyCatnip

1658657535 972 How to make Campfire in Little AlchemyCauldron

How to make Hard roe in Little AlchemyCaviar

How to make Centaur in Little AlchemyCentaur

How to make Cereal in Little AlchemyCereal

How to make Metal in Little AlchemyChain

1658624029 254 How to make Axe in Little AlchemyChainsaw

Wie macht man Chamaleon in Little AlchemyChameleon

1658651595 515 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyCharcoal

How to make Bread in Little AlchemyCheese

Wie macht man Cheeseburger in Little AlchemyCheeseburger

1658628105 700 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyChicken

Wie macht man Bruhe in Little AlchemyChicken soup

1658641643 154 How to make Bone in Little AlchemyChicken wing

1658650747 386 How to make Brick in Little AlchemyChimney

How to make Cadbury eggs in Little AlchemyChocolate

1658662737 253 How to make Chocolate in Little AlchemyChocolate milk

How to make Christmas stocking in Little AlchemyChristmas stocking

1658651595 59 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyChristmas tree

1658663413 337 How to make Cigarette in Little AlchemyCigarette

How to make Bird in Little AlchemyCity

How to make Brick in Little AlchemyClay

How to make Alarm clock in Little AlchemyClock

1658617774 812 How to make Air in Little AlchemyCloud

Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal

1658662736 288 How to make Chocolate in Little AlchemyCoconut

How to make Coconut in Little AlchemyCoconut milk

How to make Coffin in Little AlchemyCoffin

1658658800 504 How to make Carbon dioxide in Little AlchemyCold

Wie macht man Brief in Little AlchemyComputer

1658661048 758 Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyComputer mouse

1658633961 139 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyConfetti

How to make Constellation in Little AlchemyConstellation

How to make Caramelo in Little AlchemyCookie

How to make Cookie in Little AlchemyCookie dough

1658628103 904 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyCorpse

Wie macht man Baumwolle in Little AlchemyCotton

1658663957 777 How to make Cloud in Little AlchemyCotton candy

1658625605 176 How to make Barn in Little AlchemyCow

1658657643 363 Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCrayon

1658628105 812 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyCrow

How to make Crystal ball in Little AlchemyCrystal ball

1658628103 875 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyCuckoo

Wie macht man Cyborg in Little AlchemyCyborg

1658627874 51 How to make Bicycle in Little AlchemyCyclist

D – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658626714 757 How to make Beaver in Little AlchemyDam

1658662377 419 Wie macht man Darth Vader in Little AlchemyDarth vader

Wie macht man Dammerung in Little AlchemyDay

1658621778 68 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemyDesert

How to make Dew in Little AlchemyDew

Wie macht man Diamant in Little AlchemyDiamond

1658617775 158 How to make Air in Little AlchemyDinosaur

1658618948 805 How to make Ambulance in Little AlchemyDoctor

1658641643 272 How to make Bone in Little AlchemyDog

1658661048 468 Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyDoge

How to make Dog in Little AlchemyDoghouse

Wie macht man Don Quijote in Little AlchemyDon quixote

Wie macht man Donut in Little AlchemyDonut

Wie macht man Doppel Regenbogen in Little AlchemyDouble rainbow!

1658624417 679 How to make Baker in Little AlchemyDough

Wie macht man Drache in Little AlchemyDragon

1658617906 516 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyDrone

1658697950 606 Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemyDrum

1658618217 79 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyDrunk

1658658800 466 How to make Carbon dioxide in Little AlchemyDry ice

1658626714 644 How to make Beaver in Little AlchemyDuck

1658665801 298 Wie macht man Ei in Little AlchemyDuckling

1658626520 797 How to make Beach in Little AlchemyDune

1658617775 103 How to make Air in Little AlchemyDust

Wie macht man Dynamit in Little AlchemyDynamite

E – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

Wie macht man Adler in Little AlchemyEagle

1658617775 808 How to make Air in Little AlchemyEarth

Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyEarthquake

Wie macht man Mond in Little AlchemyEclipse

1658617775 361 How to make Air in Little AlchemyEgg

1658626813 418 Wie macht man Armbanduhr in Little AlchemyEgg timer

1658633813 151 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyElectric car

1658667818 954 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyElectric eel

Wie macht man Elektriker in Little AlchemyElectrician

1658624029 149 How to make Axe in Little AlchemyElectricity

1658658472 597 Wie macht man Brief in Little AlchemyEmail

1658617775 845 How to make Air in Little AlchemyEnergy

1658655691 247 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyEngineer

1658668803 513 Wie macht man Energie in Little AlchemyEruption

Wie macht man Excalibur in Little AlchemyExcalibur

How to make Atomic bomb in Little AlchemyExplosion

F – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658625295 904 How to make Bandage in Little AlchemyFabric

1658659456 430 How to make Castle in Little AlchemyFairy tale

1658651594 913 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyFamily

1658651594 16 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyFamily tree

1658625606 128 How to make Barn in Little AlchemyFarm

1658625606 856 How to make Barn in Little AlchemyFarmer

Wie macht man Faun in Little AlchemyFaun

Wie macht man Blatt in Little AlchemyFence

1658628105 590 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyField

1658617776 136 How to make Air in Little AlchemyFire

1658658800 122 How to make Carbon dioxide in Little AlchemyFire extinguisher

1658633814 742 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyFireman

1658650746 677 How to make Brick in Little AlchemyFireplace

1658633814 593 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyFiretruck

1658670569 666 Wie macht man Explosion in Little AlchemyFireworks

1658621957 295 How to make Aquarium in Little AlchemyFish

How to make Angler in Little AlchemyFishing rod

Wie macht man Feuer in Little AlchemyFlamethrower

1658667818 227 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyFlashlight

How to make Flood in Little AlchemyFlood

1658624417 806 How to make Baker in Little AlchemyFlour

1658618217 861 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyFlower

Wie macht man Flote in Little AlchemyFlute

1658628105 64 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyFlying fish

1658617906 31 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyFlying squirrel

1658663569 281 How to make City in Little AlchemyFog

1658651597 268 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyForest

1658666075 361 How to make Cookie in Little AlchemyFortune cookie

1658663038 69 Wie macht man Dinosaurier in Little AlchemyFossil

How to make Statue in Little AlchemyFountain

1658661988 918 How to make Chicken in Little AlchemyFox

1658666557 759 How to make Corpse in Little AlchemyFrankenstein

Wie macht man Gemuse in Little AlchemyFrench fries

How to make Cold in Little AlchemyFridge

Wie macht man Frosch in Little AlchemyFrog

1658664854 645 How to make Cold in Little AlchemyFrozen yogurt

How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyFruit

1658651595 461 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyFruit tree

Wie macht man Fun Dip in Little AlchemyFun dip

G – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

Wie macht man Galaxis in Little AlchemyGalaxy

1658626316 107 How to make Bbq in Little AlchemyGarden

Wie macht man Garten in Little AlchemyGardener

Wie macht man Dampf in Little AlchemyGeyser

1658659455 566 How to make Castle in Little AlchemyGhost

1658662499 268 How to make Chimney in Little AlchemyGift

1658671035 828 How to make Dough in Little AlchemyGingerbread house

1658671035 99 How to make Dough in Little AlchemyGingerbread man

1658655692 677 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyGlacier

How to make Aquarium in Little AlchemyGlass

1658624278 360 How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemyGlasses

1658678316 312 Wie macht man Garten in Little AlchemyGnome

1658655691 729 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyGoat

Wie macht man Dinosaurier in Little AlchemyGodzilla

1658625432 336 How to make Bank in Little AlchemyGold

1658661596 983 How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyGoldfish

How to make Clay in Little AlchemyGolem

1658664496 213 Wie macht man Druck in Little AlchemyGranite

How to make Ant in Little AlchemyGrass

1658664717 252 How to make Coffin in Little AlchemyGrave

1658676120 497 Wie macht man Friedhof in Little AlchemyGravestone

Wie macht man Friedhof in Little AlchemyGraveyard

1658680862 573 Wie macht man Glas in Little AlchemyGreenhouse

Wie macht man Explosion in Little AlchemyGrenade

1658661598 118 How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyGrilled cheese

How to make Corpse in Little AlchemyGrim reaper

How to make Beer in Little AlchemyGuiness float

How to make Bayonet in Little AlchemyGun

How to make Bullet in Little AlchemyGunpowder

H – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Cloud in Little AlchemyHail

1658649772 426 How to make Bread in Little AlchemyHam

1658649773 966 How to make Bread in Little AlchemyHamburger

Wie macht man Hammer in Little AlchemyHammer

Wie macht man Hamster in Little AlchemyHamster

1658665802 11 Wie macht man Ei in Little AlchemyHard roe

1658619099 812 How to make Angel in Little AlchemyHarp

1658625605 510 How to make Barn in Little AlchemyHay

Wie macht man Heu in Little AlchemyHay bale

1658657462 326 Wie macht man Blatt in Little AlchemyHedge

1658617905 387 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyHelicopter

1658663895 43 Wie macht man Drache in Little AlchemyHero

Wie macht man Fluss in Little AlchemyHippo

1658626965 102 How to make Bee in Little AlchemyHoney

1658669650 445 Wie macht man Erde in Little AlchemyHorizon

1658628106 790 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyHorse

Wie macht man Hufeisen in Little AlchemyHorseshoe

How to make Ambulance in Little AlchemyHospital

1658680863 849 Wie macht man Glas in Little AlchemyHourglass

1658618948 99 How to make Ambulance in Little AlchemyHouse

1658617905 870 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyHuman

1658628106 632 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyHummingbird

1658668804 327 Wie macht man Energie in Little AlchemyHurricane

Wie macht man Eis in Little AlchemyHusky

I – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658621778 620 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemyIce

1658623328 135 How to make Astronaut in Little AlchemyIce cream

1658633815 770 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyIce cream truck

1658621779 719 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemyIceberg

1658664854 526 How to make Cold in Little AlchemyIced tea

Wie macht man Gluhbirne in Little AlchemyIdea

1658666743 184 Wie macht man Eis in Little AlchemyIgloo

1658658473 767 Wie macht man Brief in Little AlchemyInternet

How to make Archipelago in Little AlchemyIsle

Wie macht man Efeu in Little AlchemyIvy

J – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Jack-o’-lantern in Little AlchemyJack-o’-lantern

How to make Jam in Little AlchemyJam

Wie macht man Darth Vader in Little AlchemyJedi

Wie macht man Fleisch in Little AlchemyJerky

1658618216 545 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyJuice

Wie macht man Frucht in Little AlchemyJuicy fruit

K – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658659604 575 How to make Cat in Little AlchemyKeyboard cat

Wie macht man Drachen in Little AlchemyKite

1658623111 996 How to make Armor in Little AlchemyKnight

L – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658628107 70 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyLake

1658682562 696 Wie macht man Gluhbirne in Little AlchemyLamp

1658667182 739 How to make Cow in Little AlchemyLasso

1658617776 957 How to make Air in Little AlchemyLava

How to make Lamp in Little AlchemyLava lamp

1658667821 273 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyLawn mower

1658651598 231 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyLeaf

1658633958 595 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyLeather

1658676596 571 Wie macht man Frucht in Little AlchemyLemonade

1658628107 933 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyLetter

1658617776 698 How to make Air in Little AlchemyLife

1658626519 371 How to make Beach in Little AlchemyLight

1658651595 264 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyLight bulb

1658626519 857 How to make Beach in Little AlchemyLighthouse

1658667821 345 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyLightsaber

1658659604 814 How to make Cat in Little AlchemyLion

How to make Barn in Little AlchemyLivestock

How to make Alligator in Little AlchemyLizard

Wie macht man Haus in Little AlchemyLog cabin

Wie macht man Blume in Little AlchemyLove

1658624030 354 How to make Axe in Little AlchemyLumberjack

M – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658661597 745 How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyMac and cheese

1658658472 358 Wie macht man Brief in Little AlchemyMailman

1658667182 290 How to make Cow in Little AlchemyManatee

Wie macht man Erde in Little AlchemyMap

Wie macht man Planet in Little AlchemyMars

1658657535 400 How to make Campfire in Little AlchemyMarshmallows

1658665803 581 Wie macht man Ei in Little AlchemyMayonnaise

1658626315 527 How to make Bbq in Little AlchemyMeat

1658712161 481 How to make Human in Little AlchemyMedusa

1658673859 635 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemyMermaid

1658617776 629 How to make Air in Little AlchemyMetal

1658623538 952 How to make Atmosphere in Little AlchemyMeteor

How to make Atmosphere in Little AlchemyMeteoroid

1658624278 287 How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemyMicroscope

1658624279 919 How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemyMilk

How to make Ice cream in Little AlchemyMilk shake

How to make Milk in Little AlchemyMilky way

1658667182 173 How to make Cow in Little AlchemyMinotaur

Wie macht man Glas in Little AlchemyMirror

1658627093 440 Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyMold

How to make Castle in Little AlchemyMonarch

How to make Bank in Little AlchemyMoney

1658624514 991 Wie macht man Affe in Little AlchemyMonkey

How to make Astronaut in Little AlchemyMoon

1658618364 6 How to make Algae in Little AlchemyMoss

1658656517 861 How to make Butterfly in Little AlchemyMoth

1658627873 709 How to make Bicycle in Little AlchemyMotorcycle

1658662736 985 How to make Chocolate in Little AlchemyMounds

How to make Alpaca in Little AlchemyMountain

1658655691 186 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyMountain goat

1658655692 142 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyMountain range

How to make Bat in Little AlchemyMouse

1658661597 960 How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyMousetrap

1658650746 205 How to make Brick in Little AlchemyMud

1658666557 963 How to make Corpse in Little AlchemyMummy

1658619099 270 How to make Angel in Little AlchemyMusic

N – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

Wie macht man Einhorn in Little AlchemyNarwhal

1658667820 742 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyNeedle

1658658752 343 Wie macht man Brille in Little AlchemyNerd

Wie macht man Nerd in Little AlchemyNerds

Wie macht man Erzahlung in Little AlchemyNessie

1658628106 142 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyNest

How to make Newspaper in Little AlchemyNewspaper

1658628109 760 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyNight

1658712164 216 How to make Human in Little AlchemyNinja

Wie macht man Ninja in Little AlchemyNinja turtle

O – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyOasis

How to make Lava in Little AlchemyObsidian

1658617905 701 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyOcean

1658623227 754 How to make Ash in Little AlchemyOil

1658665801 321 Wie macht man Ei in Little AlchemyOmelette

Wie macht man Glasfaserkabel in Little AlchemyOptical fiber

1658658383 174 How to make Caramel in Little AlchemyOrchard

1658628109 524 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyOrigami

1658628104 969 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyOstrich

1658628109 953 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyOwl

How to make Carbon dioxide in Little AlchemyOxygen

1658667820 896 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyOzone

P – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658657643 455 Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyPaint

1658626519 788 How to make Beach in Little AlchemyPalm

1658617905 931 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyPaper

1658617905 401 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyPaper airplane

Wie macht man Fallschirm in Little AlchemyParachute

1658628110 755 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyParrot

1658661597 423 How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyPasta

1658628110 962 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPeacock

How to make Chicken in Little AlchemyPeeps

1658628106 562 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPegasus

1658633962 498 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyPencil

1658633962 173 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyPencil sharpener

1658628107 285 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPenguin

1658627093 958 Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyPenicillin

1658618217 919 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyPerfume

Wie macht man Druck in Little AlchemyPetroleum

1658628105 248 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPhoenix

1658626519 315 How to make Beach in Little AlchemyPicnic

How to make Dough in Little AlchemyPie

How to make Bacon in Little AlchemyPig

1658628103 489 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPigeon

Wie macht man Geld in Little AlchemyPiggy bank

1658617905 137 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyPilot

1658697950 113 Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemyPinocchio

1658697952 812 Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemyPipe

How to make Blood in Little AlchemyPiranha

1658628109 42 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPirate

1658639116 407 How to make Boat in Little AlchemyPirate ship

Wie macht man Bauer in Little AlchemyPitchfork

How to make Cheese in Little AlchemyPizza

1658669650 412 Wie macht man Erde in Little AlchemyPlanet

Wie macht man Leben in Little AlchemyPlankton

How to make Algae in Little AlchemyPlant

1658626714 448 How to make Beaver in Little AlchemyPlatypus

1658661049 624 Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyPokki

1658628110 653 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyPond

1658670569 13 Wie macht man Explosion in Little AlchemyPop rocks

1658664853 322 How to make Cold in Little AlchemyPopsicle

1658664853 322 How to make Cold in Little AlchemyPopsicle

How to make Bonsai tree in Little AlchemyPottery

1658617774 65 How to make Air in Little AlchemyPressure

1658661049 343 Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyPrinter

1658680863 754 Wie macht man Glas in Little AlchemyPrism

1658617775 250 How to make Air in Little AlchemyPterodactyl

1658666745 641 Wie macht man Eis in Little AlchemyPuddle

1658633962 15 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyPumpkin

1658666557 576 How to make Corpse in Little AlchemyPyramid

Q – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658756500 100 Wie macht man Sand in Little Alchemy


R – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Acid rain in Little AlchemyRain

1658628110 79 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyRainbow

Wie macht man Piratenschiff in Little AlchemyRat

1658624417 896 How to make Baker in Little AlchemyRecipe

Wie macht man Kabel in Little AlchemyRed vines

How to make Livestock in Little AlchemyReindeer

Wie macht man Der Eine Ring in Little AlchemyRing

1658662852 206 Wie macht man Diamant in Little AlchemyRing pop

1658618732 282 How to make Alligator in Little AlchemyRiver

1658617906 280 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyRobot

1658617906 221 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyRocket

1658624207 218 Wie macht man Achterbahn in Little AlchemyRoller coaster

Wie macht man Roboter in Little AlchemyRoomba

1658667182 379 How to make Cow in Little AlchemyRope

1658618217 412 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyRose

1658659456 248 How to make Castle in Little AlchemyRuins

1658657643 61 Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyRuler

1658617776 304 How to make Air in Little AlchemyRust

1658633815 52 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyRv

S – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Horse in Little AlchemySaddle

1658625432 168 How to make Bank in Little AlchemySafe

Wie macht man Brille in Little AlchemySafety glasses

1658639116 326 How to make Boat in Little AlchemySailboat

1658639116 897 How to make Boat in Little AlchemySailor

1658673069 9 Wie macht man Feuer in Little AlchemySalt

1658617777 987 How to make Air in Little AlchemySand

1658659456 240 How to make Castle in Little AlchemySand castle

Wie macht man Papier in Little AlchemySandpaper

Wie macht man Sand in Little AlchemySandstone

Wie macht man Energie in Little AlchemySandstorm

1658624135 208 How to make Bacon in Little AlchemySandwich

How to make Chimney in Little AlchemySanta

Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyScalpel

1658628110 792 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyScarecrow

How to make Blade in Little AlchemyScissors

Wie macht man Dune in Little AlchemyScorpion

1658633960 590 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyScythe

1658617906 802 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemySea

1658626518 334 How to make Beach in Little AlchemySeagull

Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemySeahorse

1658670222 208 How to make Dog in Little AlchemySeal

1658617905 564 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemySeaplane

1658639116 685 How to make Boat in Little AlchemySeasickness

1658673859 860 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemySeaweed

1658667820 406 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemySewing machine

1658637631 170 How to make Blood in Little AlchemyShark

1658618854 619 How to make Alpaca in Little AlchemySheep

Wie macht man Musik in Little AlchemySheet music

1658633963 29 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyShuriken

1658624279 639 How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemySickness

Wie macht man Rad in Little AlchemySkateboard

1658641642 336 How to make Bone in Little AlchemySkeleton

1658658753 922 Wie macht man Brille in Little AlchemySki goggles

Wie macht man Regenbogen in Little AlchemySkittles

1658617775 831 How to make Air in Little AlchemySky

1658663569 53 How to make City in Little AlchemySkyscraper

1658659202 521 How to make Cart in Little AlchemySledge

Wie macht man Faultier in Little AlchemySloth

1658615806 133 How to make Acid rain in Little AlchemySmog

1658615806 247 How to make Acid rain in Little AlchemySmoke

How to make Campfire in Little AlchemySmoke signal

How to make Blender in Little AlchemySmoothie

1658706527 969 Wie macht man Kabel in Little AlchemySnake

How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemySnow

1658667967 804 How to make Crystal ball in Little AlchemySnow globe

1658659068 584 How to make Carrot in Little AlchemySnowball

1658697952 528 Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemySnowboard

How to make Carrot in Little AlchemySnowman

1658633815 214 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemySnowmobile

1658623227 399 How to make Ash in Little AlchemySoap

1658658801 949 How to make Carbon dioxide in Little AlchemySoda

Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemySolar cell

1658747812 196 Wie macht man Planet in Little AlchemySolar system

1658617777 165 How to make Air in Little AlchemySound

1658617906 291 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemySpace

1658623327 288 How to make Astronaut in Little AlchemySpace station

1658617904 471 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemySpaceship

How to make Human in Little AlchemySphinx

Wie macht man Faden in Little AlchemySpider

How to make Confetti in Little AlchemySprinkles

1658617906 842 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemySquirrel

How to make Black hole in Little AlchemyStar

1658676596 386 Wie macht man Frucht in Little AlchemyStarburst

1658673859 726 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemyStarfish

1658628111 249 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyStatue

1658626316 289 How to make Bbq in Little AlchemySteak

1658617776 830 How to make Air in Little AlchemySteam

1658639117 294 How to make Boat in Little AlchemySteam engine

1658639117 967 How to make Boat in Little AlchemySteamboat

1658617777 717 How to make Air in Little AlchemySteel

1658706528 890 Wie macht man Kabel in Little AlchemySteel wool

1658627094 737 Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyStethoscope

1658617776 597 How to make Air in Little AlchemyStone

1658637435 507 How to make Blizzard in Little AlchemyStorm

1658645249 56 How to make Book in Little AlchemyStory

1658619755 532 How to make Ant in Little AlchemySugar

1658621779 833 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemySun

Wie macht man Sonne in Little AlchemySundial

1658657806 253 Wie macht man Blume in Little AlchemySunflower

1658626518 57 How to make Beach in Little AlchemySunglasses

1658670569 701 Wie macht man Explosion in Little AlchemySuper nova

1658712167 777 How to make Human in Little AlchemySurfer

1658673859 296 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemySushi

1658618732 861 How to make Alligator in Little AlchemySwamp

1658712168 998 How to make Human in Little AlchemySweater

1658673860 115 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemySwedish fish

Wie macht man Liebe in Little AlchemySweethearts

1658658753 152 Wie macht man Brille in Little AlchemySwim goggles

1658712166 22 How to make Human in Little AlchemySwimmer

1658626133 209 How to make Bayonet in Little AlchemySword

1658673860 566 Wie macht man Fisch in Little AlchemySwordfish

T – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658623110 835 How to make Armor in Little AlchemyTank

1658627093 744 Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyTardis

1658667819 375 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyTaser

1658657463 734 Wie macht man Blatt in Little AlchemyTea

Wie macht man Fernrohr in Little AlchemyTelescope

How to make Fabric in Little AlchemyTent

1658627094 68 Wie macht man Arzt in Little AlchemyThe doctor

1658662630 66 Wie macht man Der Eine Ring in Little AlchemyThe one ring

1658652293 223 Wie macht man Baumwolle in Little AlchemyThread

Wie macht man Gezeiten in Little AlchemyTide

1658618216 898 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyTime

Wie macht man Dampfschiff in Little AlchemyTitanic

1658649772 4 How to make Bread in Little AlchemyToast

How to make Cigarette in Little AlchemyTobacco

How to make Armor in Little AlchemyTool

1658628110 700 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyToucan

1658633814 79 Wie macht man Auto in Little AlchemyTractor

Wie macht man Achterbahn in Little AlchemyTrain

Wie macht man Pirat in Little AlchemyTreasure

Wie macht man Karte in Little AlchemyTreasure map

Wie macht man Affe in Little AlchemyTree

1658651595 893 Wie macht man Baum in Little AlchemyTreehouse

Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemyTrojan horse

Wie macht man Erdbeben in Little AlchemyTsunami

1658655691 260 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyTunnel

Wie macht man Ei in Little AlchemyTurtle

1658664916 112 Wie macht man Dammerung in Little AlchemyTwilight

1658658662 543 How to make Caramelo in Little AlchemyTwix

1658663038 609 Wie macht man Dinosaurier in Little AlchemyTyrannosaurus rex

U – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658617904 137 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyUfo

1658671140 641 Wie macht man Fallschirm in Little AlchemyUmbrella

1658628111 724 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyUnicorn

V – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658651852 943 How to make Broom in Little AlchemyVacuum cleaner

1658637631 97 How to make Blood in Little AlchemyVampire

1658657806 18 Wie macht man Blume in Little AlchemyVase

1658659067 690 How to make Carrot in Little AlchemyVegetable

How to make City in Little AlchemyVillage

How to make Ash in Little AlchemyVolcano

1658628103 887 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyVulture

W – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

How to make Cart in Little AlchemyWagon

1658650746 179 How to make Brick in Little AlchemyWall

1658697954 269 Wie macht man Holz in Little AlchemyWand

1658712166 885 How to make Human in Little AlchemyWarrior

Wie macht man Armbanduhr in Little AlchemyWatch

1658617777 646 How to make Air in Little AlchemyWater

How to make Gun in Little AlchemyWater gun

1658657805 677 Wie macht man Blume in Little AlchemyWater lily

Wie macht man Pfeife in Little AlchemyWater pipe

1658655693 645 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyWaterfall

1658617777 434 How to make Air in Little AlchemyWave

1658626965 727 How to make Bee in Little AlchemyWax

1658661049 619 Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyWeb

1658712167 62 How to make Human in Little AlchemyWerewolf

1658618217 222 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyWheat

How to make Bicycle in Little AlchemyWheel

1658619755 659 How to make Ant in Little AlchemyWild animal

How to make Forest in Little AlchemyWild boar

How to make Chocolate in Little AlchemyWilly wonka

1658617776 544 How to make Air in Little AlchemyWind

1658667815 432 Wie macht man Elektrizitat in Little AlchemyWind turbine

1658617907 989 How to make Airplane in Little AlchemyWindmill

1658618217 17 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyWine

Wie macht man Computer in Little AlchemyWire

1658651852 25 How to make Broom in Little AlchemyWitch

1658628112 388 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyWizard

1658641643 377 How to make Bone in Little AlchemyWolf

How to make Axe in Little AlchemyWood

1658628112 362 How to make Bird in Little AlchemyWoodpecker

1658656070 809 Wie macht man Bergziege in Little AlchemyWool

Wie macht man Geschenk in Little AlchemyWrapping paper

Y – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658655693 211 Wie macht man Berg in Little AlchemyYeti

Wie macht man Jedi in Little AlchemyYoda

1658624279 439 How to make Bacteria in Little AlchemyYogurt

Z – Little Alchemy Cheats|Walkthrough|Combinations List

1658666557 608 How to make Corpse in Little Alchemy


Little Alchemy Hidden Gems Combinations

Here are all the Hidden gems that you can form in the game.

1. astronaut ice cream = ice cream + astronaut
2. doge = dog + internet, dog + computer
3. keyboard cat = cat + music
4. nessie = story + lake
5. ninja turtle = turtle + ninja
6. the one ring = volcano + ring
7. yeti = mountain + story, story + mountain range
8. tardis = time + space
9. the doctor = tardis + doctor

Little Alchemy Features

Some of the best features that make the game really attractive are:


    • Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Polish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian.

    • Mix elements to create interesting, fun and surprising items.

    • Play at your own pace.

    • Every combination is a little puzzle to solve.

    • Leaderboards – check how many elements your friends have.

    • Achievements

    • Google Play Games integration

    • Night Mode

The latest version includes new simple design, better performance, and many bug fixes along with vertical mode for one-handed play. The best of all features that we introduce you can easily sync your progress between devices. For the little alchemists out there, here are Little Alchemy guide and cheats for all sort of combination list. These 580 elements are in order if you don’t want the same pattern go according to your wish list.

Little Alchemy Codes for Candy Combinations

Want some Candy Combinations?? Here is a list of all of them. Do try these little alchemy cheats as well.

1. astronaut ice cream = astronaut + ice cream
2. atomic fireballs = fire + atomic bomb
3. cadbury eggs = chocolate + egg
4. caramel = fire + sugar
5. caramel apple = orchard + caramel
6. caramelo = caramel + chocolate
7. chocolate = river + willy wonka
8. chocolate milk = chocolate + milk
9. cookie dough = cookie + dough
10. cotton candy = electricity + sugar
11. frozen yogurt = cold + yogurt
12. fun dip = sugar + sand
13. goldfish = fish + cheese
14. guiness float = ice cream + beer
15. juicy fruit = juice + fruit
16. milky way = space + milk
17. mounds = coconut + chocolate
18. nerds = nerd + sugar
19. peeps = sugar + chicken
20. pokki = computer + squirrel
21. pop rocks = explosion + stone
22. popsicle = ice + juice
23. red vines = wire + sugar
24. ring pop = sugar + diamond
25. skittles = rainbow + sugar
26. starburst = rocket + fruit
27. swedish fish = sugar + fish
28. sweethearts = sugar + love
29. twix = cookie + caramelo
30. willy wonka = engineer + sugar

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