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How to make Coal in Little Alchemy cheats and guide

1658617774 65 How to make Air in Little AlchemyPressure + How to make Algae in Little AlchemyPlant = Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal
1658621779 833 How to make Antarctica in Little AlchemySun + How to make Carrot in Little AlchemySnowman = Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal

What to do with Coal in Little Alchemy cheats and guide

Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal + 1658617776 629 How to make Air in Little AlchemyMetal = 1658617777 717 How to make Air in Little AlchemySteel
Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal + 1658617774 65 How to make Air in Little AlchemyPressure = Wie macht man Diamant in Little AlchemyDiamond
Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal + 1658618216 898 How to make Alcohol in Little AlchemyTime = Wie macht man Diamant in Little AlchemyDiamond
Wie macht man Bleistift in Little AlchemyCoal + How to make Axe in Little AlchemyWood = 1658633962 498 How to make Blade in Little AlchemyPencil