Next DOOM title reportedly on its way, and fans will get a first look soon

The legendary DOOM series may be more than 30 years old, but 2020’s DOOM Eternal proved it still has plenty of gas left in the tank. The next DOOM game is allegedly just over the horizon, and it will reportedly take an interesting direction not yet seen in the series.

For as long as it’s existed, DOOM has leaned into a futuristic sci-fi aesthetic, perfect for justifying the Doom Slayer’s massive arsenal of over-the-top weapons and all the exotic locales (the planet Mars is a series mainstay) he brutally dispatches hordes of demons in. If new rumors are to be believed, however, the next installment in the series will turn the clock back—all the way to the Middle Ages, to be precise.

A landscape of a city shown in Doom Eternal.
To be fair, it’d be hard to make a sequel to this. Image via id Software

Like all leaks and rumors, this one should be taken with a grain of salt, but it comes via Insider Gaming’s Tom Henderson, a reputable insider with a track record that speaks for itself. According to Henderson, the next DOOM game will be titled DOOM: The Dark Ages, with an upcoming reveal at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9. Supposedly, it’s been in development for at least four years, which would indicate id Software moved onto the project immediately after DOOM Eternal‘s release. This is supported by recent news of a sneaky DOOM trademark coming to light.

It doesn’t take an industry insider like Henderson to guess a new DOOM game is going to be coming at some point, but far more interesting than that is the game’s purported time period. As the title implies, DOOM: The Dark Ages will take place in a medieval setting, representing a hard left turn for the series. Details are scant, however, and it’s unclear whether this will be a prequel, time travel story, or perhaps even a continuation of the core timeline.

Any of the three seem equally possible. To use the understatement of the century, Earth is in a pretty bad place after the events of DOOM Eternal, and a followup could focus on the reemergence of human society in a medieval-inspired post-apocalyptic setting rather than a straight-up historical one.

Then again, the Doom Slayer has been around for a long time. Who’s to say he didn’t spend some of that kicking around feudal Europe? His vast arsenal may have to be cut back to accommodate the setting, but the idea of the Doom Slayer swapping out his power suit for a set of plate armor is an enticing prospect all the same. That said, all bets are off if id decides to go the Army of Darkness route and just sends the Doom Slayer back in time, Super Shotgun and all.

With so few concrete details shared, DOOM fans will have to wait for The Dark Ages‘ official reveal early next month for anything more concrete. If nothing else, this means the Fortnite skin will no longer be the newest DOOM content to grace our screens.

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