How to make Mountain goat in Little Alchemy

On this page you can see how to make Mountain goat in Little Alchemy with guide, cheats and combinations. Also you can learn what to do with Little Alchemy Mountain goat element on Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Google Chrome or any web-browser and where Mountain goat uses. In addition on this page you can look Little Alchemy Mountain goat guide and cheats.

All Little Alchemy guide and cheats, combinations and combos lists.

Video Walkthrough: How to make MOUNTAIN GOAT in Little Alchemy

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How to make Mountain goat in Little Alchemy cheats and guide


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What to do with Mountain goat in Little Alchemy cheats and guide

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Walkthrough Guide for mountain goat in Little Alchemy

  1. air + fire = energy
  2. air + water = rain
  3. earth + water = mud
  4. earth + energy = earthquake
  5. earth + rain = plant
  6. earth + earthquake = mountain
  7. mud + plant = swamp
  8. energy + swamp = life
  9. earth + life = human
  10. human + plant = farmer
  11. farmer + life = livestock
  12. livestock + mountain = goat
  13. goat + mountain = mountain goat


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